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As soon as you asked to leave the dining room, you immediately called Taehyung. He's the only one you can find at a time like this. He gives you his address and you rush to his house.

"Oh, Y/n. Are-" he was cut by you who suddenly hugged him tightly. You know Jungkook will definitely be looking for you at Jennie's place so you decided to stay at Taehyung's for a while. "I've messed up." you burst into tears.

Taehyung was shocked to see you broken like this. He thought that you must have been good with Jungkook but it seems that everything is getting worse. He couldn't help but be sad. He doesn't know why but he wants to protect you. He doesn't want you to cry because of a guy like Jungkook.

"I don't what happened but I just want to let you know that everything is going to be okay." he hugged you, patting your back gently. "P-Please help me. I-I can't do this anymore." you looked up to him with red nose and swollen eyes.

Taehyung can't bear to see you like this. He feels very angry that you're blind because of someone who is not worthy to get your love. "Then leave him. It doesn't matter how much you love him but if someone truly loves you, he is willing to leave everything that prevents him from being with you."

"I don't know." you closed your eyes, burying your face into his chest. Taehyung doesn't know the real story. He doesn't know if your life will be in danger if Jungkook protests.

But will you continue to accept that and just watch while waiting 3 years for it to end? You're tired. It was always you who had to give in when his father made a decision and now you want to end it. You don't want to be locked in one place just to be hurt.

If that's what you'll get when you stay, no. You will never stay. You want to find another happiness and start a new life without being controlled and confined. Jihyun is right. The love you have shared together is forbidden because Jungkook is never meant for you.

You have a lot of time and you're not going to waste that time on one person. He already has a wife and you also need to move on. His wife is really nice but here you are, trying to ruin their marriage. One day, he will definitely forget you and love his wife so you have to leave him before it's all too late and gets worse for you.

"I will leave him. I want to find my own happiness. C-Can you help me?" you broke the hug and look at him, sniffling. He just nodded and smiled. "Y/n, you're not just beautiful but also kind. I've never met someone like you. You're too innocent to realize how cruel the world is and it's making me want to protect you."

He said while wiping away your tears. You look into his eyes and can see the sincerity and love from him. You don't know what he's thinking but you know he's different from Jungkook. You wonder why he doesn't have a girlfriend when he's this sweet.

"You know that you're really a boyfriend material that everyone is asking for." you chuckled softly. "Yeah, I know it." he said, wiggling his eyebrows proudly. You just slap his arm playfully and look around the house. "You're living alone in this big house?" you turned to him and he nodded.

"Then you're also rich. Why am I always surrounded by rich people? It makes me look like a gold digger." you pouted, not knowing that you're being a cute girl with those swollen eyes.

How Taehyung wish that you're his. He would always tell you how beautiful and cute you are everyday, every minute, every second. "Her boyfriend doesn't deserve her." he thought to himself, staring at your face. Suddenly, his mind was distracted when he heard the sound of your stomach.

"Opsie! Sorry, I have a habit of eating when I was sad but don't worry-" You didn't have time to finish your sentence because Taehyung walked towards his kitchen. "Yaa, where are you going?" you frowned and followed him from behind.

✔️NEVER A HAPPY ENDING || JUNGKOOK ft TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now