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"Jungkook?" you called his name sweetly as he played with your hair. He just hummed in response, waiting for you to continue. "Are you sure to tell everyone about me?" you asked as you were confused with him. "Of course! I just want to tell them all that you belong to me. After all, you yourself who told me that you love me and you have already proven it so I believe that you will never leave me." he smiled innocently.

You just nodded in agreement because your plan had worked. You don't believe you have to act like you love him. What else can you do now? You're stuck in his game and there are only two options either to continue or die to end all the games. You have no hope anymore. You have no one but yourself. But the question is....

are you able to do it alone?

You sigh and get out of bed but only to be pulled by Jungkook. You were now on top of him with a shock expression. "Where are you going?" he asked, tucking the strand of hair behind your ear. "T-To make breakfast." you stuttered. He just chuckled and hugged you tightly before rolling over on the bed lovingly. "No. I still want to spend time with you here so you are not allowed to leave me alone on this bed." he said, giggling cutely.

You want to say something but he hides your face into his chest and makes you stay silent. You feel very irritated by his behavior. "Yaaa, I'm hungry!" you looked up to him, hoping he will let you go so you can eat. "Why bother to go down when you have this whole meal in front of you?" he teased you but only to receive a glare from you.

"Wasn't last night enough for you? No, I just want to eat food and it's not you." you stuck out your tongue, slowly taking his hand off you. "I've never had enough of you, baby." he chuckled softly, getting up from the bed and stand in front of you. "I can't believe that you're such a pervert husband." you said, as he taking your hand and intertwined them in his.

"Correction, your only pervert husband." he winked. You're just sneered at him and rushed out from the room to the kitchen since you're really hungry right now. "Wow, I can't believe that you still can run after what happened last night." he joked but you just ignored him and look around the kitchen. "What should I cook today?" you tapped your chin while thinking.

"Why don't you cook my favorite food? You still remember, don't you?" he said, leaning against the wall. You looked at him and smiled. "Should I?" you said cutely and started looking for ingredients to cook. After all, you are his wife and it is your responsibility to do it even if you don't like it. "Shouldn't you go to the office now?" you looked at the clock and then back to him.

He shook his head and walked towards you. "No, I want to be with you today." he said, backhugging you. You just nod and start focusing on cooking. Even if his presence bothers you, you just play it cool and hope he doesn't do anything to you. Why are you cooking instead of a maid?

It's because you don't want him to punish anyone else who does nothing. It has been enough for you to see innocent people tortured for their small mistakes for a year. He never felt sorry for seeing you cry and scared when he did that because he wanted you to know that he was the most powerful man and no one could stop him.

And yes, he managed to make you remember about it and you hope in the future you don't have to face it again. Seeing you too focused, Jungkook starts to feel bored. He wants your attention even when you're cooking. He then rested his chin on your shoulder and stared at you with a pout. You are aware of his behavior but decide to ignore it because you don't want to postpone your breakfast.

"Baby..." he whined, tighten his grip on your waist. "Kook, can you let me go I can't do my job if you continue like this." you complained and Jungkook feels upset. He shook his head and put his nose on your neck to take in your scent which was never enough for him. "I'm hungry, Jungkook. I promise we'll spend time together after this, okay?"

He just sighed and let go of your waist. Finally, you can breathe well after he leaves you. "You better keep your promise, baby." he whispered to your ear before walking out from the kitchen, leaving you all alone. After making sure Jungkook is really gone, you look around to see if there's a cctv in the kitchen.

"Don't worry, Mrs.Jeon. I hacked the CCTV in the kitchen earlier so it's safe for us to talk."


"Taehyung, that's enough. You can't just lock yourself in this room while cursing at her picture." Jennie looked at her brother worriedly. After seeing the news, Taehyung didn't said anything and went home drunk. He was heartbroken to learn that you were already someone else's wife. He cursed your picture for hurting him while you were happy in someone else's arms.

But only if he knows what you're going through is more painful than him.

"She's lying to me! I have been looking for her all over the place and only to get to know that she is Jungkook's wife." he argued, looking at Jennie with his teary eyes. He still remember how you promised him to never leave him alone or falling for someone else but you're the one who broke them.

"Oppa! Please don't be like this." she dropped on her knees, crying. "Tell me, Jennie. What else do I need to do to get her back? The last person she called was me but at the end, she's with someone else." he cried in his palm, remembering the tone of your voice when you called him that day. Jennie understands her brother's feelings because you are his love and of course losing you has affected him the most.

"Think about it, Tae! Remember what Jihyun said? Y/n needs you and never overlook any evidence. This is the proof, Taehyung. I have known Y/n for over 5 years and I know that she would never have done this for no reason." Jennie wiped away her tears and looked at him with a hope that he will think about it.

She just wanted him to be healthy and happy like he always do before. He no longer smiles at anyone and their parents are also worried about him because they know how important you are in his life. Taehyung just stared at the floor blankly. Jennie is right. He can't just sit here and do nothing but cry over you. He shouldn't give up on you.

He has also known you for a year and he believes you have your own reasons. He believes that you may have been forced to be Jungkook's wife so he decided to take you back from your now psycho husband. "If that's how Jungkook wants to play, fine. I will also play dirty." he sniffled, making Jennie smile at him.

As legend said; "Life is like a game, there could be many players. If you don't play with them, they'll play with you."

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- To be continued -

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