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The sound of the camera has filled the space around you as soon as you get out of your car. There are some people who have approached you and asked various questions related to you and also your fiance but you just ignored them and walked into XIX's building.

"Welcome, Miss Y/n." a woman who may be your age said while giving a genuine smile. You return her smile and she asks you to follow her to a room. "Hello, Miss Y/n. Finally, I have a chance to meet you." a middle aged woman said, greeting you with a hug.

"You must be Mrs. Jiah. It's nice to meet you, ma'am." you slightly bowed to show some respect. You can see how stylish she is with her expensive and elegant dress. So far you have never met each other and you are happy when you show your designs through the video call, they agree to take you to work as their fashion designer.

At first, it's hard to convince them of the success that would happen if they hired you to work at their company but after one of your design were released, their brand became famous and liked by many people so they respect your decision not to be exposed to the public.

"Come on, everyone is waiting for you now." she exclaimed in joy, pulling you with her to a meeting room. As soon as the door opens, you can see some reporters, cameramen and even some people sitting in their places to start the interview ceremony with you.

Mrs. Jiah then puts you in the director's chair, which is her chair and smiles at the camera to look charming and professional. She started talking to reporters while you answered some of the questions that were given to you, related to the job and efforts to create a unique design.

After half an hour, the interview session was finally halfway done. You who have been sitting confidently start to sink when one of the reporters asks about your ex -boyfriend.

"Ms. Y/n, we have received reports that before you were engaged to Mr. Kim, you had been with someone else for more than two years. Is that true?" the reporter said, looking at you with a smirk. You can see the camera start to focus on you, trying to see your reaction.

You just smile and nod. "It was true but we were not for each other so I chose to leave him and find a new happiness which is Mr. Kim." you answered them honestly but the reporter doesn't like it. He was sent by Jungkook to make you tense and angry but instead you just smiled and answered him professionally.

"Well, shouldn't you wait for him if you really love him? If he wants you again, are you willing to accept him back and leave Mr. Kim?" he asked again, making your smile drop. You feel like they are trying to make you uncomfortable so you sigh and look up, smiling.

"First, I really do love him but he's married with someone else and I don't want to be the third wheel in their marriage so I decides to leave. Second, I will never leave Mr.Kim as he was the only one that I love now." you said calmly, making everyone to nod in satisfaction. "I think that enough for today. I hope this will be the last interview."

You get up from your seat and bow 90 degrees before walking out with Mrs. Jiah. You breathed a sigh of relief as soon as you came out of the meeting room. "Please don't think too much, Y/n. They just can't let their mouths shut from continuing to ask about someone's personal life." Mrs.Jiah suddenly spoke, making you to look at her.

"I don't know how they knew about that but it's okay." you reassure her with a smile but soon turns to serious when you see Jungkook is walking towards you with an innocent look. You're still mad at him for what he did yesterday.

You would definitely be nice to him if he greeted you well but no, he chooses to greet you in a way you don't like. "Mrs.Jiah, I think I should go now. I will make sure that my new design will be sent to you as soon as I am finished." you slightly bowed to her and walked away.

✔️NEVER A HAPPY ENDING || JUNGKOOK ft TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now