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Two days have passed, you have become silent and stared at the floor without any feeling. Jungkook noticed your change and started to worry. He doesn't like it when you keep quiet and don't behave like you used to. He tries to make you talk but he only receives a 'hm' answer or a nod from you and it annoys him.

"Fvck! Can't you talk to me?!" he yelled out of frustration, making you flinch at your bed. You just looked at him blankly and then continued staring at the floor. Jungkook can't help but cry, seeing how cold you are towards him.

"Baby, please stop being like this. I'm sorry, okay? I'm going to treat you like before so please don't ignore me. I have no one now." he grabbed your shoulder, looking into your emotionless eyes. Your eyes shows nothing and it's scared him. How can you be like this? No emotion or any feelings. He wanted to feel your warmth and love again but no, you're changed.

"Please don't be like this. I need your love, baby. Please talk to me and pour out all of your love to me like you always do to me." he sobbed, resting his forehead on your shoulder. He hopes you will say something but you just keep quiet and do nothing. "Damn it!! Tell me, what do you want so i can make you talk again?" he looked into your eyes and soon you finally burst into tears.

"Leave me alone!! I don't want to be here anymore!! Can't you just kill me?! I want to end this pain. I can't do this anymore!!" you grabbed his collar, looking into his eyes with your teary eyes. You were mentally unstable so you pulled your hair out and screamed while crying.

Jungkook is shocked to see your condition. It's as if you've gone crazy and it's scared him. You then bit your nails until they bled, making Jungkook to gasp in shock. "Baby!! Stop, you're hurting yourself!" he grabbed your wrist to make you stop biting your nails. You just laughed at him, still crying.

"Why do you care?!! Let me go!!" you tried to push him away but he never let you do that. "Stop it. Please!" his eyes softened after seeing how terrible your condition is now. He's afraid that you'll go crazy and keep hurting yourself. He starts to feel sad when he remembers about how he has treated you after he made you stay in his cage.

"LOOK!! THEY'RE HERE!! WHY DID YOU KILL THEM?!! WHY DID YOU KILL THEM IN FRONT OF ME?!" you looked around, biting your nails. You start to get paranoid and see something Jungkook doesn't see. You feel scared and close your eyes while crying. "Wake up, Y/n!! There's no one in here!!" he yelled, shaking your body but you shook your head aggressively and push him away.

"T-This chain!! Take it off!! Please!! It's hurt me!!" you screamed, pulling the chain roughly, causing redness on your ankles. Jungkook just hugged you to calm you down. You look sick and pale. This is all his fault. If he didn't treat you badly, you definitely wouldn't be like this.

You start to calm down. You hit his chest and cried. "Why are you doing this to me? I'm afraid." you said, sobbing in his arms. "I-I'm sorry. I shouldn't treat you like this." he apologized for his wrongdoing, caressing your back gently. You then shook your head and push him away. "If you are really sorry then take this chain off. It's hurt me, please!" you begged, looking at him with your puppy eyes.

Jungkook is shocked because this is the first time you look at him with those eyes. The last time he saw it was 2 years ago when you were still with him. He sighed and slowly unlocked the chain from your ankle. "Happy now?" he asked, looking at your smiley face. "Yes!" you grinned but soon, you knocked his head with a baseball bat that he left on the floor and made him fall to the ground.

With lightning speed, you ran towards the cage door and breathed a sigh of relief when you found it unlocked. "You're not going anywhere, Y/n!!" he growled, looking at you who was running out from the basement room. Of course it's all your acting. You just want him to feel guilty and open the chains on your ankle so it's easy for you to escape from him.

As soon as you came out, you saw all the maids were shocked to see you. They wonder how you can get out when Jungkook is still with you. You ignore them and keep running to the main door. "JEON Y/N!! STOP RIGHT THERE!!" you heard Jungkook shouting at the back but you just keep on running without turning back.

All you could think about now is to run away from him. After a few minutes of running, you have finally reached an unfamiliar place. You look around and see Jungkook is running towards you along with his man. "Fvck!!" you muttered under your breath before running into the alleyway to find a place to hide.

"She's in here. Find her or you guys will die in my hand." you heard Jungkook said to his men. You just keep on running and saw a box that will fit your body. "I think she's going this way." another voice said, making you to rush to the box and hide inside it as soon as possible.

"P-Please. Leave me alone" you whispered and soon, you shut your mouth while sobbing. There's someone standing in front of the box, staring right on your face. "There you are!" he exclaimed.


"What?! They're gone?!" Taehyung exclaimed, looking at his trustworthy man. "Yes, sir. Y/n has managed to escape from the basement." Soobin informed, making Taehyung to sigh in relief. He was relieved to hear you had managed to escape and that meant you were fine.

"She must have run not far from here. Let's find her before that bastard catches her." he commanded to his men and soon they all run to their respective way to find you. Taehyung also doesn't waste his time and run to the same direction where you ran.

"She must be here. Be clever, Tae. If you ran away, where would you hide?" he thought to himself as he looked around and stopped when he saw a dark alleyway. "If I were Y/n, I wouldn't enter this alley because it's too scary." he whispered to himself and soon run into the alleyway.

"But if this is scary, I'm sure this is the perfect place for her to hide." he kept on running while looking around. He realized that there were some Jungkook's men running around the alley, trying to find you as well. He just ignored them and walked to the box where you were hiding but only to see your bracelet that he once buy for you.

He picked it up and examined the bracelet. "It's hers. She must be around here." he walked to the other direction and cried. He can't held it anymore. He is really excited to meet you but is still worried about Jungkook will meet you before him. "Please be safe, love!" he sobbed.

meanwhile, on the other hand, you were running with a man holding your hand tightly. You are confused about why he helped you because you realized that he was one of Jungkook's men. "Where are we going?" you asked as you were still not believe him. He then stop and hide behind the wall along with you.

"I think she's not in here. Let's find at the other way." someone says and you hear their footsteps disappear from your hiding place. "I'm Suga. Trust me or not, I'm here to save you from that monster." he introduced himself to make you believe in him.

"But why?" you asked out of curiosity. You know that Jungkook is capable of doing anything and no one dares to betray him or they will end up in the graveyard. "It doesn't matter. Enough for you to know that I just want to protect you." he said and soon, grabbing your wrist to run away from there.

You don't complain and follow him wherever he takes you. You don't know why but you trust him. After running a few blocks, Suga suddenly stopped, making you frown in confusion. "Shit!" you heard Suga mumbled something, making you to look ahead and see Jungkook is looking at you with his sinister smirk.

"Betraying me, Suga?" he tilted his head, speaking in his husky voice.

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- To be continued -

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