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"Brand XIX fashion designer have decided to reveal themselves on the day when they will hold a fashion show in South Korea. The XIX brand is so famous all over the world. With unique and attractive designs, everyone is wondering about who their fashion designer is. We-"

"Looks like you're going to be very famous, love. News of who the fashion designer was has spread very quickly." Taehyung said while looking at you who was busy measuring the size of the dress on the statue.

"I also wonder why they are so eager to know who the fashion designer is. It doesn't matter, as long as the design has satisfied them." you said without looking at him.

"That's because they want to appreciate your work. If they don't know who the fashion designer is, to whom do they want to thank?" he retorted, walking closer to you.

"Is that so? By the way, what about the preparations for our engagement? Have you invited everyone?" you turn around and you gasp as he was standing right in front of you.

"Of course. I'm sure many were surprised to learn that this XIX fashion designer is also the fiance of a billionaire." he smirked cockily, snaking his arms around your waist. "Gosh, stop being so proud. Can't you see how mad your fans are? I bet I'm going to die sooner without getting married." you pouted.

"Are you afraid of them? You know that I am always there for you so they will understand us." he convinced, staring into your eyes dearly. The two of you just kept quiet and stared at each other lovingly.

During those two years, you have been in Paris with Taehyung and he has helped you a lot to do everything. He has made you to forget about Jungkook and always support you until one day, he confessed his love for you and you accepted him with a new feeling.

How can you not fall in love with him when he is always by your side like glue. He is willing to do anything to see you smile and laugh. He said that you were his first love and you were happy because he managed to find someone to love which is you.

"You're so handsome, you know that?" you broke the silence but he just keep staring at you. "Is there something on my face?" you tilted your head but he just shook his head. "Then stop staring!" you scowled at him.

"Jeez, I just wanted to make sure that this face is mine now. I wonder what does our children look like." he said, pecking your lips. "Maybe handsome like you? or beautiful like me?" you chuckled softly. "You're so silly. Of course, they would be so beautiful like us." he smiled.

"Okay okay, you are right. Now, let me go because I still have a lot of work to complete before the ceremony takes place." you grinned cutely, melting his heart. "Yeah, you're so busy nowadays." he pouted, letting go of your waist.

You just laugh at him and turn around to jot down things that are needed. You look at your watch and realize it's almost lunchtime. "Let me finish this notes first and then we will go for lunch together. Is it okay?" you asked, glancing at him.

"Oh, that's great. Let me book a restaurant for us." he announced and walked out of your wrok room. "He is so sweet. I should buy something for him." you thought to yourself and smiled.



"What do you mean by you can't find her??" Jungkook's roar echoed around the basement. He looked at his two best men who just stared at the floor with a feeling of fear. He has been looking for you for 2 years and still fails.

He never gave up on finding you all this time. After getting the title of Mafia King from his father, he uses that power to find you but for some reason, you are hard to find. He has asked for help from all his mafia friends but it is still in vain.

✔️NEVER A HAPPY ENDING || JUNGKOOK ft TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now