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A year later...

"Thanks for coming, Mr. Leo." Taehyung said while bowing to the older man, who was his business partner. "It is an honor to attend this event. I never thought that you would think of celebrating the success of your project on a massive scale like this, Mr. Kim." he stated, proudly patting his shoulder.

"There are a lot of profits that I get from this project so I just want to give a little appreciation to everyone who has helped me." he gave him a small smile. Everyone realises that he has changed a lot after losing you. Instead of being a cheerful person, he now turns into a quiet person and hardly smile. "If you don't mind, I want you to see my daughter."

Taehyung sighed upon hearing this topic again. He has met many people and they have all offered him to get acquainted with their daughter. He felt frustrated. Do they all not understand that no one can replace you? "Oppa! Come here, you must watch this!" Jennie came out of nowhere and pulled Taehyung's hand.

"Yaa yaa, what is it? You know that you don't have to do that, right?" he asked as soon as he was in the room. He was relieved that Jennie had come at the right time but what he heard next was an unexpected thing. "Mr. Jeon has announced that he has married the girl of his choice a year ago and decided to reveal his new wife soon." Jennie said while their eyes can't believe what they just seen.

There is a picture of Jungkook and the girl standing on the altar in a wedding attire looking so happy; unfortunately the girl's face has been blurred but Jennie believes that it is you because she can recognize you only based on your body. "That can't be her, right?" she questioned. Taehyung's heart was broken. He didn't want to believe in what he was thinking but he couldn't.

"She is not my Y/n. Why did you tell me about this to me? It was obvious that the girl was different from my love." Taehyung denied, shaking his head to get rid of the negative thoughts. He believes that it is not you because you have been long gone and there is no way you will betray him. "W-What if it's re-really he-"

"NO!! SHE'S NOT GOING TO CHEAT ON ME!!" he shouted, grabbing his hair as he can't believe it. You are now legally Jungkook's wife but no one knows the true story behind them. Taehyung might get heartbroken but he still don't want to believe it. He will make sure that you're not betraying him.

"You can't do this to me..."


"What are you thinking, baby?" Jungkook interrupted your thought, making you look at him and shake your head. "Nothing. Just wondering when you're coming." you said, smiling. Jungkook is happy that you have changed. He never thought that all his efforts to make you his will be so successful throughout the year.

"Come here, baby." he patted his lap and you came to him and sit on his lap without hesitation. It's normal for you because he's been doing it for a year and you don't want to make him angry so you do it to make him happy. Without wasting time, he attacks your lips and kisses you roughly. Without a second thought, you kiss him back and soon, the kiss turns into a hot make out session.

Slowly, pushing you onto the bed, he hovered over you without pulling the kiss.
"Fvck! I'll never get enough of you. You know what? I'm upset that so many men are looking at you just now." he groaned in frustration, feeling so needy for your touch. "Why should you be upset? They can only see but only you can touch me." you whispered.

It's been a month since Jungkook let you out of his cage because you managed to persuade him. At first it was very hard to gain his trust but after having some intercourses. He thought about it again and finally lets you out. But today, you've been out shopping without him and you know he always asks his bodyguard to report everything to him.

Sad to say, no one knows you as Jung Y/n anymore. They just thought that you're just someone who resembles their fashion designer with the same name and maybe that's the reason why Jungkook let you go out.

He pressed another kiss on your lips as his hands taking off your shirt. You can feel him groping your breasts through your bra and you just let him do that. Soon, he becomes impatient and start unclasping your bra and throwing it somewhere on the floor.

"But still, what's mine is mine and today, I will mark you again so everyone knows who you belong to." he growled as he gasped for air above you. You look into his eyes and see how his gaze is full of lust and love. "You're being so possessive over me, Jeon." you whispered seductively. It's such a turned on to him, looking at how messy you are under him and your whispers just make him even more excited.

He just smirked at you before he latched his lips to your nipples, sucking gently. You whimper at the sensation and his tongue swirls around to find the right spot to sooth it. "I can't wait to have a baby with you, Y/n. You will never leave me again. Not now or ever." he stated before pressing a rough yet passionate kiss on your lips; slowly grinding his crotch against yours. You let out a whimper as he began to trail your body.

(Okay, that's enough! You know what happened after that since I'm still suck at writing mature scene.)

- Time Skip -

After an intimate night, Jungkook came out of the room when he had made sure that you had slept soundly. He closed the door slowly without waking you up and walked towards the barn behind the mansion. He couldn't hide his smile as soon as he saw the three men who had been following you while you were shopping.

The three men were hung on the ceiling and their blood didn't stop dripping on the ground. One of them noticed his arrival and slowly raised his head to face the monster. "P-Please let us go." he begged, breathlessly. The men were scared to death and hoped someone would come and help them.

Jungkook on the other hand, just looked at him in amused. He really liked the fear in his victim's eyes. It made him realize how powerful he was in this world that no one dared to look into his eyes. "After what I saw, do you think I'll let you out alive?" he smirked, walking around the barn. "I'm sorry. I-I didn't know sh-she was your girl." he stuttered, afraid if his words would end his life here.

Jungkook stared at him and laughed sinisterly. Everything the man said was a lie. He knew that the three of them knew that you were his girl but were still trying to approach you. "You know what will happen if you try to lie to me, don't you?" he tilted his head, cocking his eyebrows. "P-Please don't. I-I will do anything but please don't kill me!" he cried.

Too bad, Jungkook has never had any mercy for others. He no longer trusted anyone in his life after what happened between him and his father. Traitors are the only thing he hates. Within a second, the three men's bodies were split in two and burned. Jungkook just look at the fire and smirked triumphantly.

"No one can come near my girl."

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- To be continued -

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