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You don't know how long you've been asleep, now you've woken up and stared blankly at the floor. Jungkook was not there when you woke up and you hoped that he would never come back but it was only a hope because the door of the room was opened and Jungkook came in, carrying a tray of food.

"Good morning, baby. Here, I have asked the maid to make breakfast for us." he exclaimed, putting the tray on the dining table. You didn't say anything and just stared at him blankly. Jungkook noticed that and gave you a smile. "Are you angry that I left you in bed alone?" he walked closer to you, kissing your forehead.

That's the thing he always does every time he wakes up. Back then, you will be angry if he left you in bed but this time you feel relieved because he is not by your side. "P-Please let me g-go." you stuttered, looking at him with your teary eyes. You can see his eyes darkened. "Don't ruin my mood, baby. Come on, you need to breakfast."

He pulled your hand and led you to the dining table to eat together. "Here, say ah~." he took a spoonful of scrambled eggs and placed it on your lips, waiting for you to open your mouth. You just shook your head and that made him angry. He threw the spoon on the floor and got up from the chair.

"Mr.Han, please call the maid who is making breakfast." he said to his phone as he looked at you angrily. He knows you definitely won't eat so he wants to punish you so you will obey him next time. Soon, a young girl entered with a small step. You look at Jungkook and are confused about what he is going to do.

"So you're the one who made the breakfast?!" Jungkook said after coming out of the cage. The girl looked at you with watery eyes and slowly nodded. "Ju-Jungkook~ah, what are you trying to do?!" you asked, walking towards the cage door but unfortunately, it was locked.

"What? You don't want to eat her food and that means she made the wrong choice. Shouldn't she be punished?!" he rolled his eyes and grabbed the girl's hair, making her to fell on the floor. "I-I'm sorry, sir. Please don't hurt me. I-I will try to make a new-" she had been slapped by Jungkook before she could finish her words.

"JUNGKOOK! STOP IT, YOU'RE HURTING HER!!" you shouted, feeling terrified at how he abused her. Jungkook just kept quiet and started hitting the girl mercilessly. You yell for him to stop but he ignores you. "PLEASE DON'T HURT HER. ARE YOU CRAZY?! PLEASE!! JUNGKOOK!!" you begged behind the bar while crying mess.

After a few blows, he stopped and looked at you. You look at the girl and gasped loudly. Her body was covered in blood while her eyes were hard to open. "If you eat, this won't happen, baby. Look what you have done to her." he huffed in annoyed. "You're a monster!! How can you hit her like that?!" you said in a shiver tone.

"Yes, I'm a monster. But you're the one who made me do this. You're being such a bad girl and a bad girl should receive a punishment, right?" he smirked, walking to the corner of the room. Your eyes widened when you see him remove the hot metal from the campfire he made.

"Master.. Please forgive me! I won't do that again." the girl begged, while looking at you with a 'help me' look. "You know that I won't accept a mistake, right?!" he tilted his head, playing around with the metal. "Jungkook please don't do that to her. Please, it's my fault. I-I will do anything. Just don't hurt her." you sobbed, looking at the girl with guilty.

That's it. You hate yourself for being too kind and easily caught in his trap. You can see Jungkook stopped from what he was doing and looked at you with a smile. "You really mean it, don't you?" he tilted his head, walking towards you. You looked at the girl and cried harder.

You don't want to do this but you can't let the girl die because of you. She looks younger than you and you don't want her future to be wasted. "Y-Yes. Just leave her alone." you said in a low tone. "You promised so you have to keep it. If you don't do it. I would definitely hurt anyone to let you know what I capable of." he crouch down, in front of the cage, grinning.

✔️NEVER A HAPPY ENDING || JUNGKOOK ft TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now