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"My friend, Jungkook!" he exclaimed in joy, pulling Jungkook into a friendly hug. "Mr.Kim, I can't breathe!" he patted Taehyung's back to make Taehyung release him. Jungkook himself is shocked when Taehyung admits that he is his friend whereas he has just arrived.

Taehyung releases him from his embrace and invites Jungkook into the house. "Please make yourself comfortable. I need to take care of the breakfast first." Taehyung said, walking out from the living room.

Jungkook looks around and tried to find your figure but you still haven't shown up. He is confused about why Taehyung suddenly invited him to come to his house in the morning like this but also is thankful that he can see you again.

After a few minutes, you came down while tying your hair without noticing that someone was watching you. "Taehy-!" you stopped as soon as you sees Jungkook sitting on your couch. You can feel the jealousy in his eyes when he realizes that you're wearing Taehyung's hoodie.

"Looks like you just finished, let's have breakfast together." Taehyung suddenly appears, making you turn towards him with a confused look. Jungkook just nodded and walked with Taehyung leaving you alone in the living room.

You're really confused about what's going on. You don't want to meet Jungkook after what happened between you and him but Taehyung himself brought him to your house. "Love? Aren't you coming?" you heard Taehyung's voice, calling for you. "A-ah, yes!" you rushed to him without glancing at Jungkook.

Soon, the three of you sit down and eat breakfast together. You still don't look at Jungkook and that annoys him. He wants you to look at him but he knows that you must be angry about what he told you yesterday.

"You must be surprised about why I invited you here, aren't you?" Taehyung breaks the silence, making you turn towards him with a curious face. "Yes, why did you invite him?" you asked coldly, earning a scoff from Jungkook. "I found out about your wife cheating on you so I thought of making you happy by being friends with you. I'm sure you're okay with it, right?"

Your eyes widened after hearing Taehyung's words. How does he want to be friends with someone who has said bad things about him? "Tae, I don't think you should get involved-" Jungkook suddenly cuts you off. "Sure! I would love it if you wanted to be friends with me because I am also a loner." he faked a bitter smile, glancing at you who was glaring at him.

"Are you really lonely? I believe you can cheat on your wife too." you snorted in annoyed, making Taehyung to look at you in disbelief. "What do you mean, love?" he placed his hand on your thigh and rub it gently. "Think about it. He have a good looking face and also rich. I'm sure there's alot of girl wanted to throw themselves on him."

You feel like throwing up when you praise him but you don't want to look too obvious in front of Taehyung that you really hate him and after all, you said that just to make Jungkook angry and leave you two but instead, he just laughed and nodded in agreement

"Don't worry, I already have someone to love." he blurt out, staring into your eyes. Taehyung couldn't believe what he just heard and choked on his food. "Woah, man. I thought you were a loyal person but it seems you have moved on faster." Taehyung said awkwardly. You know exactly who was the girl but you will just act dumb.

"Wouldn't you do the same if you were in my place?" Jungkook turned to Taehyung, making him to laugh out loud. "Hell, no. I love my fiance more than anything. If I could find out that she cheated on me. I will try to win her heart back and fix our relationship." he told him, looking at you with a lovely smile.

You feel proud to hear the answer from Taehyung and you know it is enough to prove Jungkook that he is not what he said. "That's really unexpected but don't worry, I will never cheat on you, Tae." you pecked his lips, knowing that Jungkook is staring at you with jealousy in his eyes and that's what you want. "It seems that you two really love each other." he cleared his throat, focusing on his food.

✔️NEVER A HAPPY ENDING || JUNGKOOK ft TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now