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"Don't worry, Mrs.Jeon. I hacked the CCTV in the kitchen earlier so it's safe for us to talk." someone said, making you turn to him with a small nod. "Did you bring what I wanted?" you said while cutting the necessary ingredients. The man just nodded and held out a small plastic bag.

"What are you going to do with that, ma'am?" he asked, looking at you who looked tired and lacking in energy. "Nothing. Are you sure that no one sees you taking this?" you gave him a small smile and hid the medicine in your pocket. "Of course, ma'am. You can trust me." he convinced, making you nod your head in agreement.

"Please don't tell anyone about this." You look at the young man and see how sad he feels about you. Yeonjun. He has been your assistant for a month now and has done a lot of anything for you.

"I won't, Mrs.Jeon." he smiled bitterly. You just sighed and continued to cut the vegetables. "How about Taehyung? Is he fine?" finally, you managed to said that after trying to hold yourself from asking about him. Of course, you asked Yeonjun to see how Taehyung is doing. You find out that he never cheated, but you decide to stay away from him to save everyone's lives. Knowing Jungkook, he will kill anyone involved in this if he find out about this.

"He's as good as you want him to be." another person said, walking into the kitchen. "I'm glad to hear that." you smiled. "But he misses you, ma'am." you just let out a sighed and placed the knife on the table.

"Didn't I already say to bring him to meet another girl?" you turned around, crossing your arms. They just let out a sigh while glancing at each other. "We have tried but he is still stubborn to keep waiting for you." the girl stated, looking down at the floor. "Mrs.Jeon, you know that you can come with us, don't you? We will protect you and escape from this place." Yeonjun said worriedly, making you chuckle.

"Do you think he's stupid? Even if I can get out of here, I can't run away from him. He always finds me wherever I am. After all, I don't want to hurt other people who just want to help me." you shrugged, putting the pan on the stove. "But we can try right? I know Taehyung can help you since he really love you." again, Yeonjun tried to convince you but you shook your head as a no.

"I don't want to risk anyone's life anymore, guys. I think you both better go now or Jungkook will see you and do something I don't want to." you said, looking around the kitchen, afraid if Jungkook would come back. "I can't do this anymore. I will tell Taehyung about this so he will help us to take you out from here." the girl insisted, rushing out from the kitchen. "Yaa, Ha Kyung!" You wanted to stop her but Yeonjun stopped you and shook his head.

"Don't worry, I will take care of her. Please think about this again, ma'am. We always be there to help you." he smiled, making you nod in relief. "I know what I was doing, Yeonjun." you ruffled his hair, making him giggles. Yeonjun then bid a goodbye to you and walked out of the kitchen without being caught by Jungkook's guards.

It's been almost three months since you met Yeonjun and Ha Kyung. Yes, they both had worked under Jungkook but decided to betray him after finding out about how your life was in the basement. Ha Kyung feels sorry for your situation while Yeonjun realises that he could not penetrate his sin but perhaps this way could help him to get rid of the guilt that had accumulated in his chest.

That's why they want to use their position to help you. Each of them is someone Jungkook trusts and of course it's hard to doubt them. But only if Jungkook knew, they will sneak into the basement when he's not around and accompany you. It's no surprise if they come in and see a lot of blood on the floor because they know that Jungkook made you look at the way he tortured his victims. Thanks to them, your mental health is still stable.


"What the hell, Yeonjun! You can't just let her be in that hell anymore. No, I'm going to tell Taehyung now." Ha Kyung huffed, walking away from Yeonjun but he was faster to pull Ha Kyung's hand away. "I understand but we need a plan. If you don't want to cooperate, this will be more difficult. We both want her out of this place so please, don't be so impatient." Yeonjun said.

Ha Kyung just ran her fingers through her hair and sighed heavily. They both think of you as their sister and it really hurts them when they see your condition. You had to act as if you loved Jungkook just because you didn't want to risk other people's lives. They feel guilty because they made you fall into Jungkook's trap and now, they're promised that they will get you out from that hell.

They realise that Jungkook's love has turned into an obsession and it's dangerous for everyone. How can someone say love when they are actually torturing them? Jungkook is crazy and they will make sure that he will receive his punishment.

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- To be continued -

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