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After playing with you, Jungkook came home in a good mood. He never believed that he almost made you his again. He is happy when he has managed to make you afraid of him and he thinks of using that way to get you back.

"You look very happy. Has anything happened to you?" Jihyun snapped his thoughts, making him to look at her in annoyed. His happy face had now turned serious and cold. "Why do you care? Just mind your own business." he snorted.

"Did you go out to Y/n's house?" Jihyun blurted out, making Jungkook to look at her in amused. "What if I said yes?" he rolled his eyes, mocking her who was standing there with a heartbroken. "She's engaged, Jungkook. Can't you look at me and accept me as your wi-" before she could finished, Jungkook slammed her against the wall and starts to strangling her neck.

"Yes, she is engaged but it will not stop me from continuing to love and own her. Did you forget who made her cry and leave me? You're just no one in my life, Jihyun and you should be thankful that I didn't kill you...yet." he put pressure on Jihyun's neck, making her face turn red and finally he let go of her.

Jihyun fell to the floor while coughing and panting for oxygen. She never thought Jungkook would strangle her because of you. She is sad because you have taken over Jungkook's whole heart and she regrets making you leave Jungkook.

"You and Y/n are very different. Stop saying that you are my wife because I never looked at you as my wife. Now get your face out from here. Aish, you have ruined my mood." he poked his inner cheek and walked to his room.

Jihyun just look at Jungkook walking away and cry. He's never done any violence like this before and ever since you showed up, everything gets worse. She always sees how Jungkook spends more time outside and asks some people to spy on you.

"Y/n doesn't deserve this. Why can't he just let her go?" she mumbled, rubbing her red neck.


"Love, when will you come out? It's been an hour since you've been there." Taehyung knocked on the bathroom door, trying to persuade you to open the door for him. He's really worried about you but you don't want to meet him. You feel guilty for giving another man a hold of you.

You look in the mirror and see some hickey on your neck. You can't help but cry. Fortunately, Taehyung didn't notice because you rushed to the toilet to avoid him. "I-I'm fine, Taehyung. J-Just leave me alone." you sobbed, opening the shower to get rid of the dirt.

"You're not okay, love. You know that you have me, right? If you don't tell me, I can't help you." he said in a convince tone, hoping you will opened the door for him but you don't want to.

If he comes in and sees your condition now, you're sure he'll be very upset and attack Jungkook. You never thought that Jungkook would do this to you. Should you tell Taehyung about this and then ask him to tighten the security of the two of you? But you don't know, what if he installed a voice recorder in this house or

maybe on you?

On the other hand, Taehyung is so worried about you. He knew something had happened in the room but what is it? Why do you come out and cry as if someone was there and tried to harm you. He tried to open the door again and failed. He knew you wanted some times alone so he left you and walked to his office in the house.

"Sir..." someone had come from behind him as soon as he held the knob of his office door. He turned towards him and saw another trustworthy man. "What is it?" Taehyung crossed his arms, waiting for the man to talk.

The man just handed the tablet to him and asked him to play the video he had just gotten. "I think this will explain why she's crying." he said, lowering his gaze. Taehyung looked at him confused and started playing the video. He was shocked because it was the cctv footage he had installed in your work room.

✔️NEVER A HAPPY ENDING || JUNGKOOK ft TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now