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2 years later...

"Baby!! You're here!!" Jungkook said as he looked at you who were standing in front of him in the white room. You just smiled at him while looking at his body which had been wrapped in cloth. "I'm glad that you're still love me. You're not going to leave me, right?" he smiled, trying to hug you but he can't.

"Baby, can you hug me? I really need your warmth." he requested with a pout. You just nodded and hugged him. He's happy that you never left him. Every day you will visit him and do whatever he wants. "I really love this. Baby, can we stay together after I got out from this place?" he said, burying his face on the crook of your neck.

You nodded in agreement and caressed his back to make him feel good. "Is his condition getting worse?" a doctor asked his assistant who was busy writing something in her notes.

"Yes, Doctor Kim. I'm afraid that he will never get out from this asylum. What should we do?" she said with concern in her voice. They both had seen Jungkook from the beginning and realized that he was always hallucinating about you being by his side.

"I think he will have no chance of recovery. I felt sorry for him because the girl he loved will never visited him." the doctor shook his head and walked out from the white room with his assistant. "Yeah, how sad his love story is." the nurse said after glancing at Jungkook who was smiling from ear to ear innocently.

"I love you, Y/n. I always do and we will always be together till death do us apart. You're mine and I'm yours!" he said in a baby tone, giving you a butterfly kisses on the face.


"Appa!!" a cute little boy exclaimed as soon as he saw his father, Kim Taehyung. "Aigoo, I really miss you, Jihoon!!" he rushed to him, spreading his arms to pull his son into his arms. "Are you okay with your grandmother?" he asked, looking into Jihoon's big doe eyes.

"Of course! Grandma always being nice to me! Appa, can I meet eomma?" he tilted his head, excited to meet his mother. Taehyung just nodded and soon, looking at the back to meet his mother. "You're here, my son. How was your trip?" she asked after greeting him with a hug.

"Great, mom. I have taken alot of pictures to show Jihoon and Y/n." he smiled brightly, making his mother smile too. "You're really love her, don't you?" she sighed. Taehyung just nodded and kept wearing those painful smile. "Of course, mom. She's my everything." he said while looking at Jihoon.

"I see. Just go and see her. I'm sure that she's waiting for you and Jihoon." his mother shooed him, earning a chuckle from the both of them. "I know you must be so tired of taking care of me, grandma!" Jihun joked. "Yeah, it's really tiring. But I'm glad that I have someone to accompany me." she smiled, kissing their forehead.

"I think we should go now. Jihoon~ah, let's meet your mom!" he exclaimed, walking to his car excitedly. "See you later, grandma!" Jihoon bid a goodbye to his grandmother and rushed to the car.

In the car, Jihoon was smiling sheepishly. He feels happy because today is your birthday and he has made preparations for you. "Appa, will mom like my drawing?" he showed his drawing to Taehyung. "It's really beautiful. You already have the same talent as your mother, Jihoon!" he ruffled his hair, earning a giggle from him.

"Really? I'm so excited to make her happy." he looked down with a shy smile. Taehyung just laughed at him and focus on the road. Soon they're arrive and Jihoon didn't wait for the car to stop and running out after seeing you. "Eomma!" he ran to you with his drawing in his hand. Taehyung just let out a sigh and smiled.

"You should wait for me, Jihoon. It's dangerous!" Taehyung scolded Jihoon. "I'm sorry, I just wanted to meet eomma." he pouted cutely. Soon, they both bowed in front of you and smiled. "Happy birthday, love." he smiled, looking at your grave.

Yes, your grave. It's been two years since you left Taehyung and he has never looked for a replacement for you and decided to adopt Jihoon as his son because he had reminded him of yourself. It's as if you've been reborn as Jihoon.

"Eomma, here! I painted this for you. Look, you look so beautiful in this dress." he shoved the paper in front of your tombstone with a big smile on his face. "You like it? Then I will put this here so that you can kiss it whenever you miss me and appa, okay?" he talked to you as if he can hear you.

"I will always love appa like how you love him, eomma. Please take care of yourself up there." he kissed your tombstone and grinned innocently. Taehyung just looked at your grave and cried. He can't hold it anymore. How he wish to see you with his child, smiling, laughing and joking around. "We will always miss you, love." he sobbed.

As the title says, you will never get a happy ending. Whether it's with Jungkook or with Taehyung...

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- The End -

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