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Standing outside the operating room, Jungkook and Taehyung just cried while hoping that nothing would happen to you. Jungkook feels very scared when he sees you covered in blood. He regrets his actions and realizes that he has caused you to be like this. How could he not have noticed it all this time?

"What have I done?" Jungkook looked at his hand and saw your blood, making him shiver in fear. What if you leave him like before? He already has nothing left. His property has been confiscated while his family is no longer in this world and there is no way he wants to lose you either. He couldn't hold it anymore and fell to the floor, crying. "This is all my fault." the sentence kept recurring in his mind with guilt.


An hour had passed. Finally, a doctor came out of the operating room with a calm face. Taehyung didn't say anything and rushed towards the doctor to find out about your condition. "How is she, doctor?!" The doctor looked at Taehyung and frowned. His face showed that he was really confused about the presence of these two men.

"Who are you two?" the doctor asked, confused. "I'm Jung Y/n's boyfriend. Now, tell me about her!" Taehyung asked impatiently. "The fvck! It's Jeon Y/n, and she's my wife." Jungkook shoved Taehyung away, but the doctor just chuckled, making the two of them frown. "Are you two trying to fool me? Ten minutes ago, a man confirmed that he was the guardian of Mrs. Y/n and took her away for better treatment."

The doctor told them and surprised them. What happened? Have you just been kidnapped? "You're not kidding, are you? She has no other guardian other than me, who is her husband." Jungkook said, grabbing the doctor's collar. "Calm down, sir. This is a hospital. Please don't make a fuss here." He slightly pushed him away, still maintaining a professional manner.

"Tell me who is her guardian?" Taehyung asked, hoping the doctor will tell him but he just shook his head as a no. "I'm sorry. We are not allowed to reveal the identities of our patients or guests, if you're done. I need to go now." he bowed and walked away, leaving them dumbfounded. "Sh¡t! Is this also one of your plans?" Taehyung grabbed Jungkook's collar, feeling frustrated.

Jungkook didn't say anything and ran away. He heard Taehyung calling him, but he just ignored him and kept running. He needs to find you. You can't leave him again. There's no way you're going to leave him after what you've both been through. Correction, what YOU went through. He knew he was wrong and wanted to apologize. He did not want to live with guilt and fear like he had felt before.

He wants to tell you how much he loves you so much that he is afraid that someone else will hurt you. He wants to tell you how he feels guilty when he kills someone in front of you. He wants to tell you how scared he was when you stabbed yourself. He wants you to know that you are his world and that without you, his life is just empty.

"You can't leave me, Y/n.. Not again.." he sobbed, kneeling in front of the hospital. He will make sure that he will find you. He will pay back what he has done all this time so that you will return to him. He doesn't want to be a monster anymore. He just wants your love, which he has craved for years.

4 years later..

"Thanks for today, Mr. Alex. I hope you like the idea that I've presented just now." Jungkook said while bowing to the older man, who was his business partner. "Don't worry, Mr. Jeon. I really like your idea and was thinking that this project would be successful." he stated, smiling proudly.

"I'm glad that you're thinking that way." he gave him a small smile. Everyone realizes that he has changed a lot after losing you. Instead of being a firm and cold person, he has changed to be more gentle and kind. "If so I will go now. Let's meet again next week, Mr. Jeon." Mr. Alex excused himself, making Jungkook let out a small gasp. "Sh¡t, I almost forgot about Sora!" he cursed under his breath.

"Mr. Han, can you help me to take care of the rest?" he looked at his assistant and he nodded in agreement. Without wasting any time, he ran out of his building and headed to his car to go somewhere.


As soon as he arrived at a specific place, he saw a beautiful little girl who was standing in the garden with her other friends, making him smile. "Sora-ah!!" he waved at her, making her turn to him at an instant. "Appa!!" she smiled brightly, running towards him. Jungkook couldn't help but chuckle when his daughter was already in his arms.

"Have I kept you waiting?" he asked, kissing Sora's forehead lovingly. "Nope. There are many friends who can accompany me while waiting for Appa to come." she exclaimed, letting go of the hug. "Oh, really? I'm glad that I'm not leaving you alone here." he giggled, pinching her small nose softly.

"Look, I have an hour to spend with you before your eomma picks you up, so tell me where you want to go?" he held her hand and was about to go to his car when suddenly, his eyes widened. "Eomma..." Sora murmured, surprised to see you in front of them. "Y-Y/n.." Jungkook whispered. You just glared at Jungkook and took Sora's hand to take her away from Jungkook.

"Look, I can explain-" "I know." you cut him off. "P-Pardon?" his brows knitted. You just let out a sigh and smiled. "Until when do you want to hide yourself from me?" you asked softly, making Jungkook look down. "So you know?" he paused, looking up to stare at your eyes. "I'm sorry. I just want to do my job well by being the best father to Sora. Please don't stop me from meeting her. It took me a long time to find you and Sora." His voice began to crack as he was afraid that he would never meet his daughter.

"Jungkook..." you called him out, but he shook his head and cried. "No, I understand why you're hiding her from me. You're just scared if I'm going to hurt you again because I'm a monster, but that's all in the past, Y/n. I have changed for you now. Please forgive me. I promised you to be a good husband to you." He sobbed.

You then chuckled and cupped his face. "Hey, don't cry. I'm glad that you managed to find me and Sora. Indeed, I was angry when I found out about you secretly meeting Sora, but seeing how she smiled after meeting you, I realized that I was being selfish. I see how you have tried your best to be a good person, and it made me realize that you deserve a second chance." You smiled, wiping away his tears.

"A-Are you serious?" He sniffled. You said nothing and pulled him into a hug. You know that Jungkook has been meeting your daughter for the past two years, but it took a long time for you to realize it. At first, you didn't want to accept it, but you knew Sora needed her father's love, so you let them be together, even though for only an hour.

After thinking about it for a long time, you decided to give Jungkook a second chance. Indeed, he has made a lot of mistakes in the past, but everyone deserves a second chance to be forgiven, right? After all, he is Sora's father, and you have also seen how much he has changed over the last 4 years.

"Eomma, are we going to be with Appa? You will let him stay at our house, right?" Sora's voice has made your eyes soften. You broke the hug and smiled. "I don't know, does your father want it?" You looked at Jungkook and saw him still struggling with his sobs. "O-Of course, I want it."

"Jungkook, you're being so emotional. Stop crying; you still have a lot of things to explain to me." You scoffed at him playfully. "You don't know how happy I was to find out about this. Thank you, Y/n. Thank you for everything." He hugged you and gave you a lot of kisses on your face as he really missed you. "Appa! I want kisses too!" Sora whined, tugging on his coat. "Come here, little girl!" he picked Sora up from the ground and kiss her cheek.

"I love you, eomma. I love you, appa!" she exclaimed, hugging you and Jungkook tightly. "I love you, baby." the two of you said in unison, looking into each other's eyes.

❊╌──┈⊰᯽⊱ ••• ⊰᯽⊱┈──╌❊
- The End -

A/n: I don't know if this is satisfying or not, but I believe not all stories need to be so detailed, so I will leave you with your imagination alone.

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