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"Betraying me, Suga." he tilted his head, speaking in his husky voice. You're scared. You don't want to be with him so you hide behind Suga and shaking hard. Jungkook noticed it and its pissed him off. "Baby, comeback here and everything will be fine. No one will get hurt because of you." he said in a convinced yet scary tone.

You just shook your head and tighten your grip on Suga's shirt. You know that he's lying, just to make you go back to that cage. "Y/n." you heard Suga whispered to you. "If I said, run. You need to run and find your fiance, Taehyung. He's around here." he said without looking at you.

"What about you?" you asked, making him to chuckle. "Don't worry about me. I will try to distract him so just go and be happy." he convinced but you can't think straight. Will he really be okay? Your mind is distracted when Jungkook suddenly shouts.

"What are you talking about? Come here, baby or I'm not hesitate to kill him!" he threatened, making you to look at him in the eyes. You can see how his eyes burning with fire and it's really scared you. "Run." Suga suddenly said, making you to run to the other direction as fast as possible. You can hear the sound of gunfire but you don't want to turn around or you'll stop and regret it later. You just hope Suga doesn't die.

Arriving at the city area, you start asking for help from the public but seeing your condition, makes them think that you are crazy. It's true. Your shirt has been covered with your blood, your lips have small cuts while your nails have become ugly. Of course, they can't recognize you as the Jung Y/n that they adores before.

"P-Please help me, someone is trying to kidnapped me!" you held their hand but they just push you away and kept a distance between you and them. You just grabbed your hair and saw Jungkook was running towards you. You then see a glass bottle lying in the ground so you pick it up before breaking it. All the public was shocked to see your behavior and took out their phones to report to the police.

"DON'T COME NEAR ME!!" you shouted to Jungkook who was now in front of you. You pointed the glass towards him while shaking. "I'm sorry. This is my wife and her mental health is not really fine." Jungkook lied to the crowd, making sure that everyone will believe him. "NO, PLEASE HELP ME. HE'S TRYING TO LOCKED ME IN THAT CAGE!" you yelled for help but they don't believe you.

"Baby, please don't be like this. Let's go home and take a rest." he said, trying to get closer to you but you swing the broken glass towards him to make him stop. "No, don't come near me." you cried while looking around and find out that you're being trap in the crowd. They're trying to help Jungkook without knowing that you're in trouble.

"How can you do this to me?" you looked at him with tears keep on streaming down your cheek. "I'm sorry, okay. Let's fix this at home." he convinced, earning a chuckle from you. "You lied. You know what? You're the cruel man that I ever met." you spat.

Now, your mental is really unstable. You have remembered how he tortured everyone because of you. He has made you witness everything without knowing that you are scared and guilty. They shouldn't be brutally killed just because of your small mistakes.

Dead. That's all that's playing on your mind. You think if you die from the beginning, all this won't happen. Yeonjun and Ha Kyung has died after wanting to save you. A maid has been tortured because you don't want to eat her food. A man you don't know has died because you made Jungkook angry.

It's all because of you.

Without you realizing it, the police have arrived and surrounded you. They have stopped Jungkook from approaching you for safety measures. "Let me go! I need to get her back!" Jungkook shouted, making you to snap out from your own world. Everything seemed to slow down while their voices became drowned out. It is very painful and scary.

"I want to end this pain. I can't endure this anymore." you said, smiling bitterly to Jungkook. "No! Baby, let's talk, okay? Put that glass and come to me! I promise to treat you well after this, please!!" he begged, trying to free himself from the police. Tears had fallen from his eyes and fear had taken over him.

It's weird because you can see how afraid he is. He's afraid that you will leave him alone again. He know what you are thinking about and he don't want it to happen.

"I'm sorry. This is the only way for you to stop hurting people. Remember Jungkook, you're not a bad person but because of me, you have become a monster." you said with a hint of hurt in your voice. Jungkook shook his head aggressively while struggling to push the police but still fail.

"Let me go!! Y/n, please don't do that. I-I love you and it's not your fault. It's my fault. Please put that thing down!!" he yelled, crying hard. You just stared at him and stabbed yourself with the broken glass. You can feel the pain but it's not the same as what you felt when you were in that cage.

It's all over now. You hope that your death will make Jungkook realize that he is the cause of your becoming like this, and that is what he is thinking now. He regretted treating you like that, and when he saw how you fell to the ground, he could feel something was missing. His world crashed while tears kept streaming down his face.

"No! No!" He pushed the police away with all his might and rushed to your lifeless body. Taehyung had arrived at the scene but he was already late. Blood has flowed out of your mouth as well as your stomach. He immediately pushes everyone away and approaches your lifeless body. He was stunned and did not utter a word.

Again, he was too late to save you. He has failed to protect you and take good care of you. How can all this happen? Why is he always slow to save you? Why does he always fail to do something for you? Why?

"You can't leave me, love. Please wake up!" he finally spoke, taking you in his arms without caring if Jungkook was there or not. "Move!! I need to hurry to the hospital!" he shouted, carrying you around to find a taxi.

"Please don't leave." Taehyung whispered.

❊╌──┈⊰᯽⊱ ••• ⊰᯽⊱┈──╌❊
- To be continued -

A/n: Finally, this story will end and for your information, I have decided to make three endings, which means all three endings are completely different, so the choice is in your hands.

✔️NEVER A HAPPY ENDING || JUNGKOOK ft TAEHYUNG FFWhere stories live. Discover now