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As soon as Jungkook closes the cage door he pushed you towards the chair and ties you to the chair before locking the metal chains on your ankles. "I see that you're success in trying to escape from that bathroom but not me, baby." he glared at you.

He's already guess that you're going to try to escape so he's waiting down there to see if his guess is right. He's really upset that you lied to him. "Ju-Jungkook~ah, please let me go! You can't do this to me!" you cried, looking at your hands tied to the chair. "Why?! You have been a naughty girl so you need to be punished."

He gritted his teeth, walked out of the cage and suddenly one of his men came in dragging a man who had been weakened. "Was he the one who betrayed me?" Jungkook asked and looked at the man who had been thrown to the ground. "Yes, sir. Why do you want me to bring him here?"

"All right, I want to make my love know what I'm capable of. You can go now, I'll let you know when I'm done with this." he said coldly, taking out his glove to start his game. You look at him in horror when you see, he took out a baseball bat.

"S-Sir, please don't kill me." he begged, shuffling to him to hold his leg but Jungkook just kicked him on the face, making you to scream in fear. "You know that I don't like it when someone betrayed me." Jungkook chuckled darkly, looking at the man emotionlessly.

"J-Jungkook! Please stop!" you cried mess, trying to free yourself from the chair. "No, baby. I want you to see how much I hate a betrayer. You should learn that you can't leave me today. I will make sure that you will be a good girl." he laughed and started hitting the man with the baseball bat in front of you.

You were terrified. He has hit the man so hard that his blood splashed on you. You yelled for him to stop but he didn't stop even hitting him more brutally. "Why do you want to escape of here? This is your place and I already said that I will make you happy but why did you destroy my trust?!" he said while kicking the man's face.

You realize. He vents his anger on others because he doesn't want you to be hurt but he doesn't know that you have been mentally hurt. "Please stop. I-I will not do it again. I am sorry." you begged, hanging your head low. You are no longer willing to see the man being tortured. His face was already broken by Jungkook's kick.

How can someone be so cruel? Suddenly, Jungkook stopped and sighed. "Tell me, baby. Why did you do that? Is it because you wanted to meet Taehyung?" he asked softly, looking at you who was sobbing hard on the chair. You didn't answer him and he was angry because silence signified that he was right.

"So I was right? Why can't you believe me that he's not a good person for you? I told you that he's a playboy and you still don't want to believe me." he rolled his eyes, feeling frustrated. "He's not like others, Jungkook. Stop judging him!" you finally spoke to defend Taehyung.

Jungkook just laughed and walked to the corner. He took out a tablet and placed it in front of your cage. Your eyes widen while your heart breaks at what he shows. Taehyung is making out with another girl in his office. You then shook your head and cried even harder. How can he do that while you're suffer in here?

"No! It's not true! I know that you created this video yourself to make me believe you." you sobbed. "I don't have time to do that, Y/n. This is from his office. I hacked this cctv to show that I was right. He's having fun in his office when you're at home worrying about him. He betrayed you, Y/n." he convinced.

Your heart is broken because Taehyung has lied to you. Why did he do that? You trust him and hope he can find you but it looks like he's fine without you. "Put it down! I don't want to see it anymore." you yelled, looking down at your thighs, feeling so broken. Taehyung said he can't live without you but he just doing fine out there.

"Believe me or not, he doesn't love you. Stop being so blind with his lies, Y/n. There's no one will love you like how I love you." Jungkook said, feeling satisfied with your reaction. You don't have the energy to argue with him because the evidence is already in front of you.

You just cried that you didn't notice Jungkook was standing right in front of you. You look so vulnerable and it hurts Jungkook. He doesn't want you to cry because of Taehyung. Your tears were just for him so he cupped your face and wiped it gently.

"Comeback to me and love me like you once do. You know how much I love you and I will never disappoint you again. You deserve to be loved, baby. Crying for a useless man like him is just pointless." he pulled you into a hug as you were crying like a baby. Your hand still tied to the chair so you can't push him.

You're speechless. You have no one to free yourself from this cage. Knowing Jungkook, he will never let you leave this cage because he will do anything to keep you away from others. Back then, he also tried to lock you up but you persuaded him not to do it and give him everything he wants.


"WHO THE FVCK ARE YOU?!!" Taehyung shouted to the girl who was trying to seduce him. He was mad because she had kissed him and done it as if he enjoyed it. "What? Don't you like it?" she rubbed Taehyung's chest in a seductive way but only to be pushed by him.

Taehyung calls the guards and asks them to pull the girl out from his office. "Aish, I've wasted my time here with a really innocent guy." Ha Kyung huffed in annoyed after being kick out from the building. "Should you do that just for the money?" Yeonjun interrupted, walking behind her with no expression.

"Why do you care? I'm just doing my job and take my money to enjoy. Why are you still asking the same question as if you feel guilty about the girl. You're also the one who has agreed to do this and help Jungkook so stop asking." she said in irritated tone.

"You're a girl and you should know how she would feel when she was locked up in that basement." Yeonjun argued, trying to make Ha Kyung think about it. "You know what? I don't care. She's no one in my life and I don't care if she's hurt or not-" she suddenly gasped loudly, turning her head to Yeonjun.

"Have you slept with her?" she narrowed her eyes to him with a suspicious look. "What the hell. I can't believe that you have those dirty thought about her. She's not a slvt like you, Ha Kyung. I just wanted to hel- Nevermind, I will just do my job then!" he walked away with a heavy sigh.

Yeonjun thought that he needs to save you. He has seen how you have grown up without parents and he adores you so much. If he were in your place, he would not be able to survive that's why he tried to find someone to help him. He wants to tell Taehyung but he's afraid Jungkook might catch him before he can spread the truth.

Ha Kyung just stared at his back while trying to figure out about what does he wanted to said. She has seen a picture of you and to her, you are a goddess. It's a lie if she says her heart isn't beating fast just by looking at your picture. "He made me even more curious about Y/n. Should I find an excuse to meet her?" she smirked.

"I hope she's fun to play with."

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- To be continued -

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