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It was a typical day for Chris. He had a shower after a gym session and he was hungry. As he went to pour some cereal, his phone dinged with a message coming through

Chris checked it and saw it was from Matt. It wasn't weird for Matt to text him during the day, but three messages in a row was odd.

Matt: dude I'm freaking out

Matt: I need someone to talk to

Matt: bro??

Chris dropped everything when he read the messages. He knew you had your ultrasound today to check up on the baby in your womb. He didn't want anything bad to happen to his brother and his wife, so Chris called him straight away.

"Hey, Matt? Are you okay?" Chris asked, worried.

"Bro, I'm going to be a dad" Matt spoke and Chris sighed in relief.

"Yeah, Matt. You told me before, remember?"

"Yeah, but I'm going to be a dad! A real dad" Matt was panicking at this stage and Chris knew how to cool him down.

"Dude, breathe. It's okay. You'll be the best dad. Breathe with me" Matt listened to Chris and copied his instructions, already starting to calm down. "Let it out slowly" Chris listened as Matt let out his deep breath. "Good, now what's worrying you"

"You know how Y/N had her ultrasound today?"

"Yeah?" Chris prompted, giving Matt time to talk.

"There's three kids in there" He said.

"Wait? What?"

"Three babies" Matt sighed. He wasn't upset, he didn't know how raise one kid, never mind three. "There's three babies in there, Chris"

"Dude, that's great news! Congratulations!" Chris was bouncing from excitement. He was going to have three kids to spoil.

"Thanks. I'm not angry, I'm just stressed. I just don't know how to look after them. It's a lot. We'd need triple everything, triple diapers, triple clothes, triple care. It's a big responsibility for first time parents"

"Dude, you'll be a great dad. You'll keep them entertained and you'll love them so much. You'll love all three of them with everything in you and remember you aren't alone. You've got Y/N, she'll be there all the way. Nick and I will be there whenever you need us. Do you know the genders?" Chris tried his best to help Matt understand that no matter what, he'd be the best dad.

"Thanks. It's a lot right now. I'm not alone in this. I've got you guys and Y/N. We'll be okay" Matt smiled, feeling relaxed now. "They're boys by the way. Three boys"

"Lucky boys really, Matt. You're going to be the best dad"


The first chapter of book 2 🫶🏽 short but very very sweet!

Matt Sturniolo Imagines (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now