Summer's Knife

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Gang! Matt...Just trying something different :))

Matt isn't an animal, he loves. He loves his parents, his brothers and his dog. That's enough for him.

His childhood was good, but his influences were bad. He met people he shouldn't have, and he became a cold, mean, most wanted criminal in Boston. He's thankful he has some people to support him.

He wasn't afraid of the guns that were held against his head over the years, he wasn't afraid of when he nearly lost fingers as a warning, he wasn't afraid the first time he had to kill someone.

But when he saw you for the first time, he was terrified.

He didn't need someone else in his dangerous, dark life, someone to be caring for, it sounded exhausting. But why did he meet you?

Why did he meet your eyes and feel the air leave his lungs? Why did he have to fall for you so easily when you were so...different?

It was at a restaurant, he and the guys were out celebrating a deal and Nick asked to meet the chef to thank them for the great food.

You appeared the door that separated the kitchen from the rest of the place, with a smile on your face and an apron covered in a million ingredients. It was enough to make Matt's heart feel like it might actually feel again.

He stayed serious, not even talking to you and you looked at him, expecting something from him

He checked on you every time you came out of the kitchen. You were no more than twenty, you were in charge of cooking savoury dishes and desserts and you were nice to everyone.

"Matt" Nate walked into the office, dressed in all black like he did everyday

Matt continued to read the papers unaware that Nate distracted him from his thoughts.

Nate sighed. "Chris made us a reservation at Moonlight at seven. He wants us all there, looks like good news"

Unconsciously, Matt put on his best suit and made sure his his shoes were shiny and his hair. He went downstairs, where Nate was waiting for him, and the two of them headed to the restaurant.

The place was Even if he didn't know your name, he could see you in every outfit, look and gesture. With flowers, dim lights, signs with hearts, this was his favourite place, his only favourite.

"Matt, what the fuck is wrong with you today?" Justin asked, making the others nod.

"You better talk nice to your boss"

Justin mumbled something under his breath, and they all talked until the food arrived at the table.

Chris took the word after taking a sip of wine. "Okay, as you all know this dinner has a purpose"

Everyone stayed quiet.

"I closed the deal with Tommy"

Everyone but Matt started clapping, while he remained serious.

"Aren't you happy?" Nick asked him

"Of course I'm happy, but I'm not going to go around screaming my head off"

They all sighed and kept eating. When everyone was done, Nate was the first to speak up, calling for a waiter. "Can you call the chef?"

The guy nodded quickly and disappeared through the kitchen doors, returning with you.

Holy shit.

Matt couldn't handle her, really. Why did you have to be so hot?

He's in the back of the restaurant now, waiting for you to come out so they can finally talk. He knows it's against everything he believes it, but it's not like you're going to end up happy and married.

By the time you walked out the back door, he swore you were more beautiful than the moon.

"Shit, I'm disgusting" Matt thinks to himself.

You had a coat to shelter you from the cold, your back is turned, locking the restaurant and when he turns, you let out a squeal and put your hand on your chest.

"Jesus, you scared me"

After that, you scanned him. He was mysterious, serious and very cute. You just wanted to know what was going through his head.

You did your homework, admiring him through the small window made for to talk to the waiters while you were in the kitchen.

"Food was good"

"Oh" is all you said. "Thank you"

Your smile was enough to make him sigh through his nose, and he clenched his fists inside his pockets at how tender you looked from the cold.

Matt nodded. "I can walk you home if you want"

"I came in my car"

You both fell silent, looking at each other and he scratched  his nose, thinking it's dangerous for you two to be alone in the dark, especially being who he is.

"Sorry, you can walk me to it if you want. I'm Y/N"

Y/N. Matt would remember that name for a long time.

"I'm Matt"

"I thought you'd never talk to me" you broke the silence, looking down as you walked to the parking lot.

"You wanted me to talk to you?" He asked, getting a nod from you.

You wanted him to talk to you.

"I already did"

"Are you always this serious?"

Matt raised his eyebrows at you and you looked at him with a playful smile.

"I'm not serious, I just don't go through life smiling like you do" he said, running his hand through his hair.

"So, you've been watching me"

"I'm observant"

For the first time, he heard you laugh.

You both get to what he assumes is your car, and you leaned against the driver door, while he stood at a good distance, not wanting to make you uncomfortable.

"Are you going to talk to me again or pretend you never met me, pretty boy?" You asked, messing with the keys in your hands.

Matt's heart raced at the nickname. He never thought someone like him, who loved weapons, death and beatings, would be called pretty boy.

"Where's the fun if I tell you?"

You nearly dropped your keys, if it wasn't for him catching them.

"I should go" you mumbled, making him smile wider.

"Goodbye, Y/N"

"Bye, sweetheart"

You drove out of the car park, leaving him standing alone. He looked around, before taking out his phone and calling Chris.


"I need you to be a bodyguard again" Matt made sure no one heard him as he walked to his car where Nate was waiting for him. "We have someone to protect"

He'll make sure that nothing happens to the pretty girl from the restaurant, no matter what it takes

Let me know what you guys think!

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