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Matt's phone lit up the same time you heard a car in the driveway. He kissed his tiny son's head, before talking to him as if he understood what he was saying.

"You ready to meet your best friend, Grayson? Trevor is excited to meet you!" He whispered, passing him over to you. "I'll let them in. Sit on the couch, babe" he said, kissing your head and then kissing Grayson's.

"Yeah" you nodded and watched him walk out to meet Chris, who was watching Trevor since you were in hospital. You and Matt agreed that it would be better if Trevor spent time with Chris , while you brought Grayson home. You were afraid he'd do anything, you were exhausted and it would be easier to worry about recovering and one baby, rather than adding a cuddly dog into the mix.

Grayson stretched in your arms, his small hat sliding down, but you fixed it before stroking his cheek. You heard Matt greeting Chris and then his usual talk hits your ears, the one he always gave Trevor.

"Did you miss me? I missed you!" You could hear Trevor outside, and judging from the noise, he was excited to be home.

"How's Y/N doing?" Chris asked while Matt rubbed Trevor, trying to calm him before they went inside.

"She's great. Still trying to get used to the sleeping schedule"

You smiled, you weren't the only one with a new sleeping schedule, especially since Matt was the one to check on Grayson when he cried, if he didn't need to be fed, Matt let you go to bed for him to deal with it.

They talked outside for a bit longer before you saw the front door opening and Matt stuck his head inside.

"Hey, are you ready for Trev?"

"Yeah, it's time for their first meeting" you laughed and Matt nodded, stepping back from the door. The, Chris walked in and over to you.

"He's changed so much!" He smiled, looking at Grayson in awe.

"He looks less like an old guy" you joked. Your son was the most beautiful thing you'd ever seen, but that didn't stop you making a joke on how wrinkly he was when he was born, like an old guy.

Chris sat on the other end of the couch, and took his phone out to record their first meeting. During your pregnancy, Trevor was obsessed with your bump, he would always cuddle close to it, like he was guarding the baby.

"Trevor, easy! Calm down!" Matt called out as he appeared again. Matt looked at you on the couch and at Grayson, while Trevor whined to be let free, but Matt held on to him.

"Be gentle, Trevor"

"Hi, Trev! I missed you so much!" You said and Trevor licked his face.

"Trevor, meet your little brother, Grayson" Matt said softly, holding him back as you brought Grayson closer to her, still keeping a distance.

All three of you watched the interaction in silence. Trevor smelled the baby, getting used to the new smell, before he calmed down and nudged Grayson in your arms. When he calmed down, Matt let him go, but stayed close in case he needed to be pulled back.

"I'm going to cry" Matt whispered, when Trevor lay his head across Grayson's lap.

"Keep it together" you laughed, feeling tears well up in your eyes.

Matt Sturniolo Imagines (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now