The plan (3)

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Three years later.
The heavy rain felt like a drizzle compared to the cries Matt let out as he read the wedding invitation, his worst nightmare.

You played your move. You wanted him to strike back. You wanted to win and watch him lose more than he already has.

He sniffed, the invitation shaking in his hands as reality set in.

You were getting married.

You were happy.

You were going to spend the rest of your life with someone else. Someone that was once his friend. Finn.

You and Matt had a connection. You put each other first, you made each other better people, helped each other grow through everything. You were meant to be. He didn't see it then, but he saw it now.

Matt whined and groaned at the same time, flipping the invitation around, only to find another date he didn't have the heart to see. An engagement party for all invited to join.

Matt's body disassociated from itself as he ripped the invitation apart, screaming as he kept ripping it and ripping it.

This wasn't how any of this was supposed to happen. This wasn't supposed to happen in his life. He needed to see you again.

But he didn't know how he'd react when he did. If he'd want to kiss you, hate you or love you again. His world was falling apart and he didn't know how to save it. He couldn't take anymore risks.

So with a heavy heart, he doesn't take any chances.

You couldn't believe what was in front of your eyes.

Matt stood at your doorstep, shaking from the cold. You looked at him, soaking it all in, trying to understand why he came back.


"So that was your way of getting back at me? After three years?"

Your mouth dropped in shock. How could he accuse you of something you didn't do? You didn't make any attempt to reach out to him since. He should know you better than this.

"Don't you dare come to my home and make an ass out of me! Since when have I been the kind of person to get back at anyone?"

Matt stuttered, his anger and hurt blinding him from the truth that you never went out of your way to get even. Your heart was too big for that.

"So the wedding invite? You had nothing to do with that?"

He spoke in a mocking tone, not believing you, but that's not what it comes down to. It comes down to the fact you moved on and found someone better and he had no one.

You shake your head, confused about how he found out about the wedding.

"Of course I had something to do with the wedding invitations! I'm the one getting married!"

You paused, your cold demeanour dropping into something Matt wants to say resembles a hint of relief, but you were angry.

"That's what this is about, right? Me getting married?" You said, letting out a laugh. "I should have known the only way you'd fight for me was by being with someone else. You could never stand being second to me"

"I don't care about you getting married" he lied, his stomach sick at the thought of it. "But I have an issue with you inviting me after you walked out on me"

You looked back up at him.

"Matt, what are you talking about?" You frowned. "I didn't invite you"

Why would you?

You weren't friends anymore, so for you to take the time of day to sabotage anything but yourself wouldn't feel right. It was your decision to not speak to Matt again.

"Then who did?"

There was only possible answer


You were a mess waiting for Finn to get home.

Seeing Matt, filled you with so many emotions you didn't know which to start with. You wanted to cry, scream, destroy everyone and everything that got in your way. All you could do was pace your bedroom, biting your nails.

This was the reason you never wanted to see him again.

He does things to you, he always does. You hardly had any control of yourself when he was around and you hated it. You were angry he had this much of a hold on you, after everything he did.

And then your fiancé did this.

When you heard the bedroom door open, you didn't give Finn any time before you started a fight.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" You yelled, eyes red with anger as you looked at him and felt nothing but hurt. "Inviting Matt to our wedding behind my back? Do you not remember what he did to me? Do you not know what you just did?"

Finn frowned, upset that you'd ever ask him such a question.

"Babe.." Finn sighed, remaining calm. You wanted to start a war, go for the kill. "Of course I remember, that's why I sent the invitation"

"Are you kidding?"

"I wanted to hurt him for hurting you! Babe..after finding out what he did to you, all I could think about was beating his ass and that feeling never left me"

Finn sat on the bed, taking his tie off. There was no excuse for this.

"So now you use our marriage to get back at him?"

Finn went behind you back, on purpose, to hurt someone you never wanted to hurt. He knew what was going to come of this and here he was, letting it happen.

You felt like all you'd ever be, is used.

"Is that what this is to you? A big 'fuck you, I won'?"

"Isn't that what this is for you?"

"Don't you dare turn this into my problem!" You spat, punching the dresser beside you with your fist. "I'm not the one sending him our wedding invitations!"

"And I'm not the one staying up past midnight in my phone looking at pictures of him!"

Your mouth shut then, your expression softening at the unexpected turn in the conversation.

"I told you from day one that-"

"That you're never going to let him go, I know. This is pathetic now, Y/N" you frowned. His choice of words made your heart sink because he knew how to do it. Finn sighed and rubbed his face. "I didn't know I was signing up for this shit"

Your eyes welled with tears, upset that he didn't understand you when you tried so hard.

"I'm sorry for what I did" you confessed, biting your lip, trying again to make him see. "He was my best friend before he was anything to me. There was a time when he was all I had"

He was your best friend and that's what you missed the most.

"You know I love you, but I'm not the same woman you fell for back then. I'm the worst person when I don't have him around and your favourite parts of me don't exist without him. Don't pretend that you don't see that"

"It's been three years. Find yourself a new best friend and move on already. I'm getting tired of this"

What he didn't understand was that you were too.

Matt Sturniolo Imagines (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now