I Don't Remember Why I Loved You (2)

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The first two days were terrible. You and Matt fought over everything, from where to eat or stupid politics.

Funnily enough, you always had the same views, but you needed to get out your frustration with him and his naive thoughts pissed you off.

"I don't believe the world will end. It's been rumoured so many times"

He was always optimistic too, over the most fucked up things.

"It'll happen. Get that into your head"

Whether it was political disclosure or the must stupid things, he'd be a pest about it.

For instance when he wanted pancakes for brunch on the third day, god knows his pancakes were delicious.

You woke up late and went down to the kitchen, to see all your friends sat around the table.

"Smells nice" you looked at the table and saw the huge pile of pancakes.

"Matt made them! They're delicious"

Amber's voice irritated you more than Matt's sometimes.

Of course they were delicious, you'd know better. You ate them everyday for three years.

You didn't say anything, and before you grabbed a plate, you heard his voice. "You could thank me. I mean, you're here late and brunch is ready, so you could at least thank me"

"God, are you going to curse the pancakes if I don't thank you for something I didn't ask you to do?" I asked, putting down the plate.

He opened his mouth to speak but you cut him off.

"You know what? I won't risk food poisoning, I'm getting cereal" you walked to the cabinet and grabbed a bowl. You could tell everyone was uncomfortable now.

"Still a drama queen"

"A drama queen? Says the guy who threw a tantrum because we ate Italian last night instead of Chinese?"

Last night, you fought over where to eat. He wanted Chinese and you wanted Italian, your argument won over everyone else. Matt was fussed about it and he didn't say a word to anyone except Amber all evening.

"Are you kidding me? You're the one who decided to argue!" He said, getting up from his chair. "You're a pain in the ass"

"Says who? Mister 'I can't admit I'm wrong'? Mister 'I get the say in everything'? The only pain here is your lack of conversation!"

You looked over at Amber. "I can tell you're bored, feel free to leave, he isn't worth it"

Matt's face became red and he furrowed his eyebrows. As he was about to speak, Nick cut him off.

"I'm done with this! You've been the most obnoxious people for the last three days!"

Everyone agreed with him. They were all fed up of you and Matt constantly fighting.

Madi stood up and walked out of the kitchen. You felt bad for making them feel uncomfortable and angry. You glared at Matt and he rolled his eyes at you.

Madi came back down. She took two chairs from the table and placed them in the middle of the room, a few inches from each other and facing each other.

She pointed at you first. "Sit" She held one hand behind her back and ordered Matt to sit in front of you. He slowly sat down on the chair, but you didn't look at him.

"Your hands"

"What?" You asked, furrowing your eyebrows at her.

"Give me your hands. No questions"

Matt Sturniolo Imagines (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now