Home is a Feeling

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"Don't turn around"

The statement sent thoughts trickling through your brain. Those three words never meant good. What is it? Who is it? Whatever it was, it was making you anxious based on your friend's expression.

"Just tell me" you asked, becoming tense in the booth of the diner, with a forkful of cake halfway to your mouth. "Tell me so I don't have the urge to turn around"

"Your ex" she mumbled, not beating around the bush. "He just walked in. Don't kill me for saying this, but he looks really good"

You kick her under the table and sink into the leather seat. "Why is he here? He's supposed to be in L.A"

Your friend glanced again. "He's back and it's like he never left. Look at them..." she shook her head. "Hyping him up like he's a great guy"

By them, you assumed she meant people you went to high school with. A hometown get together with some old classmates was being held tonight to celebrate the summer before junior year of college.

You cradle your cheek, creating a shield for your face incase he looked over. "I'm nearly done and then we can leave"

"Good luck" she sang. "The only booth open is the behind us"

Of course it was. You prayed, hoping he wouldn't come near you. You doubt he'd try talk to you anyway since he's been radio silent on both ends for a long time. It had been two years since the break up, and you were hoping it didn't get brought up.

A sudden compulsion tells to to have a Quick Look to see how he looks, what he wears these days, how he acts when you're not around- it's hard to resist.

"He's coming, he's coming" she alerted, eating a spoon of ice cream.

The world might be listening, and you can't combat the urge anymore. Someone as handsome as him begged to be looked at. You sure didn't break up with him because he was unattractive.

To your left, you saw Matt in person for the first time in forever. It's only a short window of time where you can take in his presence as he's walking closer to you, to sit with a group of people in the booth behind you.

You continued picking at your desert with your mind running a mile a minute at the sight of him. The fact he's behind you, thankfully facing the other way, but inches away was nerve wracking.

Did he notice you? Does he know his ex girlfriend is in the room and thinking everything he could be thinking?

He's speaking, but you couldn't put together what he's saying because you're distracted by how his voice got deeper. The warmth and comfort of it made your heart race.

Your friend kept looking at you, giving you apprehensive eyes, giving you anxiety. "What?" You whispered

Before she replied, you felt nudging on your neck. You strain your peripheral vision and saw Matt's elbow placed on the back of your booth.

"Sorry" he said, twisting slightly in his seat.

You turn around and look at him. It's hard not to;  he's like a human magnet. His face was closer now.

"It's fine" you mumbled, shaking your head. You quickly turned back around, feeling like your heart was in your throat.

Finishing your cake, you lean forward in your seat so he doesn't bump you again. Your friend raised her eyebrows at you.

"So, you sister is coming to visit soon?" You asked; ignoring her look and attempting to make conversation.

"Tomorrow. My Mom will sob happy tears"

Matt Sturniolo Imagines (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now