Saccharine (3)

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The sensation of the tube in your throat was uncomfortable, a reminder of the trauma you had endured.

A group of doctors entered the room and your heart raced as they approached your bed. Dr Finn, his kind eyes, stepped forward.

"Hello, Ms Sturniolo" he greeted you, smiling. "I'm glad to see you awake"

You looked over at Matt and Nathan. Your hand shook as you lifted it and pointed to them. A tear slid down your cheek. It was relief, gratitude and unspoken words your voice couldn't express.

"Matt and Nathan are right here with you. They've been waiting for you to wake up"

You smiled, locking eyes with Matt and then Nathan. Your hand shook as it remained pointed at them.

Dr Finn's voice was assuring. "It's okay. Take your time. Your body is recovering from the coma , your voice will come back when it's ready"

When Dr Finn finished talking to you, his gaze turned gentle. "Are you in any pain?"

You managed to nod your head, an indication of the discomfort. Matt became concerned as he watched your response.

"Where are you feeling the pain?"

Matt's grip tightened on your hand, staring at you. "Where does it hurt, babe?"

You shifted slightly, looking at the doctor. You managed to lift your hand and point to your chest and ribs, the source of your discomfort.

Dr Finn nodded. "Thank you for letting me know. I'll make sure you get an appropriate pain killer"

He turned to leave the room, leaving you and your boys alone again. Matt's eyes never left you.

"Are you okay, babe?" He asked; stroking the back of your hand.

You managed a weak smile, your gaze never leaving his.

Dr Finn came back with a nurse, who administered the pain relief. As she worked, Dr Finn approached your bedside again.

"We'll make sure you're as comfortable as possible" He assured you. "Your body has been through a lot and it's important you're not in pain"

"Thank you" Matt's voice was full of gratitude and concern.

Dr Finn nodded, looking at you. "Rest is important. If you need anything, let us know"

As the nurse finished administering the pain relief, you felt a sense of relief wash over you.

"We'll be here, sweetheart" Matt said with determination. "Every step of the way"

And as Dr. Finn and the nurse left the room, you found comfort in the knowledge that your journey to healing was not one you had to travel alone.

"Hey, babe" Matt's voice was soft and calm. "How are you feeling?"

You managed a small smile, reaching out for his hand. It was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes.

Nathan moved closer. "Mommy?"

You offered Nathan a small smile, your hand extending towards him.

"You're safe now, Y/N. We're all here with you"

The warmth of Matt's hand in yours was a constant reassurance, a lifeline that tethered you to the present.

"You've been asleep for a while, sweetheart. There's some catching up to do"

You looked at him, with anticipation.

"We cancelled the tour" he started, carrying the weight of the decision. "It didn't feel right"

Matt Sturniolo Imagines (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now