Home is a Feeling (2)

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Standing under a grey sky copious with death, Matt is just another person in a black suit of mourning that rivals with the winter scene. It's a sorrowful evening, not even the pastel pink wisps of the sunset could lift spirits.

As the coffin is lowered into the ground, the air grew colder.

A departure from life is hard to prepare for, isn't it?

Matt hung back from the crowd by a bare tree. To anyone else, he was an intruding spectator, but he was invited by you to be a crutch of support since your parents can't be that right now.

He promised he'd be here, yet the way you've been looking at him with indecipherable eyes every now and then, tells him you didn't believe him.

When you called him out of the blue and told him the news of your grandfather's passing, his heart ached in a way it didn't before. It ached for you, and your family, who were always generous through the years. When he arrived back, he gave you time to deal with the grief. There was no need to barge into your life and attempt to be your saving grace.

Nonetheless, it was an unfortunate circumstance just to be able to see your face again.

The crowd disappeared once the loose dirt is shovelled back into the ground. For Matt, it didn't feel right to attend the service, as it was for close friends and family only. Even now, he had a feeling in his gut telling him he didn't belong.

Matt pushed himself off the tree and searched for your figure that suddenly disappeared. He mentally prepared for what he'll say to you in his head. He just had to be as gentle as possible.

Eventually, you emerge from a group and lock eyes with him, this time, you smiled at him and mended his aching heart.

"You look like a spy" you said, walking towards him.

He laughed, but didn't say anything. Instead, the empathic side of him takes in your expression, looking for an emotion so he could comfort you. He noticed the bags under your eyes, your nose red from the cold and your chapped lips.

He's so close to you again. Did your hair get darker? Why did you have beautiful eyes, even on a sad day?

Knowing his own boundaries, Matt stroked your chin and wrapped you in a hug. You melt into him, your arms looping around his waist. Just like that night on the roof.

"Your hair is so long" you mumbled into his jacket

Matt pulled away, before the intimacy got too much , but he held your upper arm. "Do you hate it?"

"No, it suits you" you gulped and looked at him, your teeth chattering. "Thanks for coming"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world?" He replied. "He was a great man"

"He liked you a lot"

"Did he?"

You scolded at him. "Of course, he did. When I took you home for Christmas the year we started dating, he told me you were a keeper"

Matt froze. "I didn't know that"

"It was our secret" you whispered. "Did you talk to my parents yet?"

"I don't think they'd want to see me" he said, taking his hand away from you. He put them back in his pockets.


"I just have a feeling" Matt has been having a lot of feelings lately. "Not often an ex boyfriend shows up to a funeral, you know?"

You frowned and looked around. "They don't hate you"

Matt Sturniolo Imagines (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now