Chapter 49: Back in Your Arms

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Blake POV

I had been walking for days aimlessly, "Well well, looks like we found a lost kitty. What do you, boys say to taking in the stray?" a man said as I reached for Gambol Shroud, but it was gone. They tried to throw nets at me, but I dodged with my semblance, but that only lasted for so long before their leader caught on and tackled me, "You're a slippery one! Breaking you's gonna be fun!" he said as he pulled a collar from his bag and slowly began to put it around my neck, suddenly the sound of a motorcycle filled the air and it was getting close, "B-Boss! We should go!" one of the men said in fear, "The Dragon is coming!" another man said before their boss got shot in the head, suddenly a weird motorcycle hit two of the goons and returned to its one wheel.

 They tried to throw nets at me, but I dodged with my semblance, but that only lasted for so long before their leader caught on and tackled me, "You're a slippery one! Breaking you's gonna be fun!" he said as he pulled a collar from his bag and sl...

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"Hey there, pretty kitty, mind giving me my arm back?" a woman said as I tore the collar off and looked up at her as she put her arm back on.

"Hey there, pretty kitty, mind giving me my arm back?" a woman said as I tore the collar off and looked up at her as she put her arm back on

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"Hey, Yang." I said happily, "Here, it's a bit heavy, but if Ruby can use it then so can you." she said as she handed me Crescent Rose, "Why is this here?!" I asked in shock, "The real question is how can Ruby lift and swing that?" she said as she activated her gauntlets, "Oh, yes." she said as she blasted herself forward and pummeled my attackers, "Now Blake, we should..." she began to say before I kissed her, "Yang I found the ring." I said, "Wait you..." she said, "(y/n)'s underwear drawer wasn't a great hiding spot, I got freaked out and started a fight...I don't wanna break up, I want to be with you, for the rest of our lives." I said, "I want that too, but the rest of our lives right now is about two and a half hours long if we don't move our asses out of this desert." she said as she picked me up and kicked Crescent Rose onto her back, "What happens in two and a half hours?" I asked, "Oh nothing much, just these giant worms come out and rip anything and anyone they come across to shreds. I call them Graboids." she said, "Why?" I asked, "The tentacles, not as fun as the videos made them seem." she said as we got on the bike and rode away.

Yang took me to her hideout, "So this is where you live now?" I asked, "Yep, I live here. I built that bed myself." Yang said as she pointed to the rickety bed in the corner, "I wouldn't recommend sleeping in it though." she said, "Yang you were looking for us." I said as I looked at her board of leads, "Yeah, you all are family. And you have a kid to go home to." she said, "We have a kid to go home to." I said, "Blake we were a step away from getting engaged or breaking up. We can't pretend like nothing happened." she said, "Yang I..." I said, "Blake I was going to propose. We can't just pretend that these past six months never happened!" she said, "Six months?" I said, "The first thing I did when I woke up was look for you. I looked for six months, Blake." she said, "Yang the last time I saw you, I thought you were dead. I fought Cinder and Neo. I fell into the void with Ruby." I said, "Blake as horrible as this will sound, you don't need to worry about my sister or about Weiss. Worry about (y/n). It's been six months." she said, "Yang, I'm going to say this as nicely as possible, you dropped a bombshell on me and I'm not too sure what's going on, but what I am sure about is that I love you. Now why are your clothes still on." I said, "Well I don't get a say in this so..." she said as she began to take her jacket off, "TOO SLOW!" I shouted as I tackled her onto the bed, suddenly it fell apart under us. We just lied there and laughed, "Yang do you know why I'm not worried about (y/n)? It's because he's with my sister and my parents." I said, "So what's the plan?" she asked, "Ask me." I said, "I just did?" she said, "Not that stupid!" I said as I smacked her, "Fine." she said as we stood up, "Blake Belladonna, will you marry me?" she asked as she got on her knee, "Yes." I said as I kissed her. "Now let's look for the rest of our family." I said, "Starting with our kid." she said, "Do we have to? I wanna see him, but I'm..." I said, "You're scared. I get it. But, I'll be there with you." she said sweetly as we sat with each other and held hands.

Blair POV

"(Y/N) YOU GET BACK HERE!" I shouted, "NEVER!" (y/n) shouted as he sprinted up a tree and jumped on the roof, "And now time to be a mom." I sighed as I flew up onto the roof, "I forgot you could do that." he pouted, "Sweetie, what's going on? Is this about the baby?" I asked, "No! I love Luna." he said, "And Luna loves you, so what's up?" I asked, "I don't like Derek...or his martini glass full of random objects." he said, "Yeah, he does do that quite a bit." I said, "He had a martini glass full of shotgun shells, Mommy! And he tried to give me a live grenade." he said, "He did? Well, what did you do with it?" I asked, "Pulled the pin, put it in his dumb martini glass, and ran." He said, "That explains the texts." I said, suddenly Luna began to cry, "Sounds like your sister's awake. Let's go change her and then I'll cook my specialty." I said, "Aunt Siena's Specialty Takeout!" he said happily. 

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