Adam POV
"It was nice to finally meet (y/n). He's such a good boy." Lilly said, "Lilly I'll be right back, stay here." I said, "Where are you going?" She asked as she grabbed my hand, "Let's just call it my final duty as a father." I said calmly before I left.
Blair POV
"Mama." (y/n) said as he fell asleep on Blake, "There there, Mama's here and I'm never leaving you again." Blake said softly, "I should've tried harder to give you a better father figure." She said, "Well at least he has us." Yang said, 'And he'd have a father too if I didn't leave him in Atlas to die.' I thought suddenly I got a text from Lilly, "Damn it." I said as I got up, "B...Blair where are you going?!" Blake asked as I opened the side door of the manta, "Sorry Blakey, big sis has something to take care of. Just think of it like an overprotective aunt/big sister thing." I said as I jumped out of the side of the manta.
Adam POV
"I thought I recognized you, Cinder." I said, "What are you doing here Adam, I thought you were dead." Cinder said, "I came close, but no!" I said as I drew my sword and rushed at her, "My my, how bold." She said as she blocked my attacks, "I can't let you live! If I do then you'll go after them!" I said, "I'm going to enjoy killing you, but I think I'll kidnap that son of yours and raise him myself. Don't worry Blake won't miss him since she along with the rest of her friends will all be dead!" She said as a glass sword formed in her hand, "Not as long as I'm alive!" I said as I slashed at her, "Well that's easily remedied!" A man said as he shot at me, "TYRIAN!" Cinder said, "Adam you are one lucky son of a bitch you know that!" A woman said as she blocked Cinder's blade, "What are you doing here Blair?!" I said, "Oh Lilly called me and asked me to save your ass! If it were up to me I'd let you die, but then who'd avenge your girlfriend's father and uncle's killer." Blair said, "She never did tell you her last name, did she? Well, let me tell you on her behalf her full name is Lilly Elisabeth Ebi. She's the daughter of Mary and Dex Ebi and the niece of Clover Ebi. Her father was the former leader of the Ace Ops." She said, "You took another loved one from her!" I said angrily as I shot at Tyrian, "I'll kill you!" I said as he shot at me with insane glee, I blocked the bullets charging my semblance, "Oh I'll enjoy killing this one! The Goddess will be pleased!" Tyrian said as I slashed at him, "Not nearly as much as I'll enjoy killing you!" I said as I slashed at him using my semblance, suddenly my attack vanished, "ADAM SWITCH!" Blair shouted as she slashed at Tyrian, "The Goddess has arrived so I shall be taking my leave." Tyrian said as he began to run away, "OH NO YOU DON'T!" I shouted as I shot him in the shoulder, "Adam this is bad! Cinder's way stronger than both of us and I'm a maiden!" Blair said, "You a maiden, don't make me laugh!" I said, "Not that kind of maiden jack ass!" She said, "She means the same kind of maiden I am!" Cinder said as she fired a fireball at us, luckily Blair created a wall of ice to block the flames, "Well that's new." I said, "Yeah well apparently when I a baby the former winter maiden, Fria, died for a short time. She was brought back seconds later but it was long enough for 90% of her maiden powers to be granted to me." She said, "So before that was only 10% of the winter maiden's power?!" Cinder said, "Aw seems you're not as strong as you thought." Blair said, "Blair can you beat her?" I asked, "Yeah I've got a technique that can beat her...but need you to distract her." She said, "That doesn't seem so...", "For five minute. And considering how badly she was kicking my butt, eh I'm sure you'll be fine." She said as Cinder began to punch me.
Blair POV
"BLAIR HURRY UP!" Adam shouted as he slashed at Cinder only to have her shoot a fireball at him, "Almost done!" I said, 'Oh I wish this moment could last forever.' I thought, "DONE!" I shouted, "DO IT!" Adam shouted, "WHATEVER YOU SAY!" I shouted as I fired a bolt of fire, ice, wind, and lightning all combined into one, suddenly Cinder made a thick wall of glass to block my attack, suddenly Lilly tackled Adam just before my attack exploded depleting Cinder's aura, "HOW?! HOW ARE YOU THIS STRONG?!" Cinder shouted, "It's because I can't afford to be weak. If I'm weak for even a second then I will hurt those I love!" I said before she flew away.
Adam POV
"Lilly what are you doing here?!" I asked, "Did you think you could runoff and I wouldn't find you?" Lilly said, "You still haven't answered my question." I said, "My semblance. It's called precognition. Ever since I was a little girl I had been able to see glimpses into the future. I had to watch my father die days before his actual death." She said, "Earlier I used my semblance to look into the future and I saw you die, impaled on the end of Tyrian's stinger. So I called Blair thus changing the future and then I saw that you died, along with that woman, because of Blairs attack so here I am. Saving your life because I'm in love with you." She said, "OH JUST KISS HER ALREADY!" Blair said, "Shut up Blair." I said, "Look Adam either you two bang and get it over with or you kiss now and bang later. Or cant you see that's what she wants." She said, "BYE LILLY!" She said as she flew away, "Well Adam, shall we get started?" She said.
A/N: alright well I'm hesitantly publishing this chapter since it's the end of volume seven. So should I just continue the story and make up my own plot from this point on or just wait for volume eight?

Black Lotus (Male child reader X mother Blake Belladonna)
FanfictionLost, scared, unsure of what will happen next. For these two that was all that was certain until they met.