(y/n) POV
"Nya." I said as I tilted my head, "AWW! That was adorable!" Saphron said as Adrian glared at me, "Saphron we're going to pick up Ruby and the others!" Jaune said as he ran out of the house with Ren and Nora, "Mama." I said as I tried to follow them, "Oh no you don't! Just wait for your mom to get here. You've been waiting for a week for her to get here, I think you can wait just a bit longer." Saphron said, "Ok." I said softly, "Why don't you and Adrian go play until she gets here." She said, "Ok." I said.
Adrian and I were "playing", I was hiding in the block fort I made while Adrian threw things at me. "Ok kids let's go get some fresh air." Saphron said.
"There you are!" Saphron said as the trolley left revealing Jaune and the others, "Mama." I said happily as my mother ran over to me, "I missed you so much, sweetie!" Mama said as she hugged me, "So you're his mom. I'm Saphron Cotta-Arc, your son is lovely and he's absolutely adorable." Saphron said.
"We should see about getting a ship." Mama said, "Yeah about that..." Jaune said.
We were on our way to the military base, I refused to leave my mother's side, "Mama." I said as I sat on my mother's lap, "I can tell you missed me almost as much as I missed you." Mama said, "Yang." I said, "Alright come here, big boy." Yang said as she picked me up and sat me on her lap. "I missed you bud. So can Mama Yang have a hug." She said as she hugged me, I smiled and hugged her, "Mama Yang." I said softly as we arrived at our stop.
"(y/n) sweetheart, what's wrong?" Mama asked, "Imp." I said as we walked up to the base. Like the last time I was here they didn't let us in, the imp was mean again, and she yelled at us.
"Well, she was rude." Weiss said, "Now I get what you were upset about." Yang said, "Ok sweetie let's go get you something to eat and a bath." Mama said as she held me, "Want Yang." I said, "You want me to feed you dinner?" Yang asked, "Yang and Mama." I said, "I think he wants us to have dinner with him and give him a bath am I right sweetie?" Mama asked, "Yeah." I said, "Blake." Yang said, "It's ok Yang, besides you are mama Yang after all." Mama said, "And since when does that mean I have to give him a bath?!" Yang said, "Ok come on sweetie, the love birds are too busy to pay attention to you." Auntie Blair said as she took me from Mama and carried me upstairs.
"So (y/n) were you a good boy while we were gone?" Auntie asked as she washed my hair, "Yeah!" I said, "That's my good boy." She said as she kisses my cheek, "I missed you so much, sweetie." She said.
Blake POV
"Where's (y/n)?!" I asked worriedly, "I think I saw Blair take him upstairs to the bathroom." Ruby said, I quickly ran up to the bathroom, "(Y/N)!" I said as I entered the bathroom and saw Blair holding something in the water and lots of splashing, "(Y/N)!" I said as I ran over to her and saw that she had been holding him in the water so he was able to splash around for a bit, "Blake are you ok? I know I should have said something when I took him, but this is a bit much." Blair said, "I...I know, but with everything that's happened recently I just want my baby with me as much as possible." I said as I picked (y/n) up and hugged him.

Black Lotus (Male child reader X mother Blake Belladonna)
FanfictionLost, scared, unsure of what will happen next. For these two that was all that was certain until they met.