Chapter 9: The food fight

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(y/n) POV

"Do you like the fish sweetie?" Mama asked, "Yeah." I said, suddenly a piece of food hit me in the head, "Owie." I said as Mama rubbed my forehead where I was hit, "FOOD FIGHT!" Ruby yelled and everyone began to throw food."Sweetie just stay behind Mama!" Mama said as she used a trey like Gambol Shroud's heavy blade, suddenly someone grabbed me and the next thing I know I'm outside. "Hi there sweetie." Auntie Blair said, "Auntie." I said happily.

"(y/n) where are we going?" Auntie Blair asked as I ran to the dorm, "Home!" I said, "Home!" She said as she opened  the door and I ran in laughing. I began digging under Mama's bed looking for something, "Sweetie what are you looking for?" She asked, "Daddy!" I said as I showed her Daddy's sword, "Y...Yes that is daddy's sword." She said. "Why don't we go back, your mom must be worried." She said as she picked me up, "Ok." I said as I chewed on my fingers.

"Hey you're Blake's kid aren't you?" The monkey boy asked, "And who are you?!" He asked as he drooled all over himself, "I'm his loving aunt Blair. And I'm way out of your league sweetie." Auntie Blair said as she caught a soda can before it could hit me. She put me down and held me in front of her so I couldn't run off, but that didn't stop me from breaking free from her and running around the destroyed cafeteria. Suddenly Mis. Goodwitch stormed in and fixed everything, "Children, please do not play with your food." She said angrily, "Food fight." I said as I ran up to her and threw a pudding cup at her laughing the entire time. "You know you're lucky you're so adorable." She said as she scratched behind my cat ears before I ran over to my mother. "Mama, Mama!" I said as I tugged on Mama's pant leg, "What is it sweetheart? Did something hit you?! Tell me where it hurts!" Mama said, "Mama, Auntie." I said as I pointed at Auntie Blair, "Auntie?" She said as she looked at where I was pointing, "Blair?" She said.

Blake POV

"What are you doing here?!" I asked, "It's good to see you too. How are you. How have you been. How's your mom? You could have said any of those, but instead you say "what are you doing here?!" honestly Blakey that's very rude." Blair said, "It's good to see you Blair." I said as I hugged her, "Blake um do you mind if I...?" She asked, "Go ahead, the door's locked and everyone here knows I'm a faunus." I said, suddenly nine bright blue flames at the base of her back and moved out and as they did her tails formed, "WHAT?!" The others yelled, "Oh that, she's been able to do that ever since we were little. We never did figure out why or how she does it." I said as (y/n) pawed at one of her tails, "For the sake of calling it something it's magic." Blair said, the others looked at her as if she were crazy, "I know magic isn't real, but it's the best description I can think of." She said. "So Blair what are you doing here?" Weiss asked, "I'm her for the Vytal Festival." Blair said, "I enrolled in Haven academy." She said, "But your twenty six. Why would you enroll in a academy for huntsmen?" I asked, "Check the handbook Blakey, nowhere in any of them is there a set age limit on enrollment. As long as you have the correct qualifications you can enroll." She said. "Do you have a team?" I asked, "Yeah, but they're useless. I'm the leader of a team of all boys and I'm the one who does all the work all the time!" She said angrily, "Oh it can't be all that bad." Ruby said, "If you had my ears and heard what they said about you behind your back you would be saying otherwise." Blair said, "But enough about me, tell me what's it like living with a three year old boy in an all girl team?" She asked, "Well it can be a challenge at times, mostly when it comes to classes, but it's really not all that bad." Yang said, "Honestly the hardest part is keeping him quiet and entertained during class." Ruby said, "No way it has to be getting homework done when he want's to play!" Weiss said, "Well what about you Blakey what's the hardest part of raising your son here?" Blair asked, "Oh keeping an eye on him for sure. He love exploring, but he get's lost so easily as you and Yang already know. I just get so worried that he'll run off a cliff or something." I said, "Well sound like you all are getting some valuable experience in parenting if not babysitting." She said.

Blair POV

"It was nice seeing you sis." Blake said, "Yeah, OH hey Blakey could I borrow (y/n) for tonight?" I asked, "Borrow him?" She said.

"Hey boys we're back." I said as I walked into the dorm carrying (y/n), and the second they saw (y/n) all the color and life drained from them, "B...Blair w...what's with the kid?!" One of them asked, "Oh him! Don't mind my precious baby boy who I love more than anything." I said as I kissed (y/n) on the forehead, and in that moment I swear I could hear something in all of them shatter.

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