Blake POV
"Welcome back you...six?" Jaune said as he, Ren, and Nora greeted us, "You mean seven." Aaron said, "Who are you?" Jaune asked, "Ruby's boyfriend." Yang and I said, "HE'S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!" Ruby said, "YEAH!" Weiss said we all looked at her, "Well he's not." She said, "Anyway, what's the situation look like?" Ruby asked, "It's bad, and only getting worse." Adam said, "And here comes the dead man." I said coldly, "Blake don't." Jaune said, "No, it's fine." Adam said before leaving, "He's been trying you know. It's only gotten worse for him since the incident." Lilly said, "What did he do this time?" I asked coldly, "He killed a soldier." She said, "I'm not surprised, once a murderer always a murderer." I said, suddenly she slapped me, "He only killed him to protect a HUMAN child! He's changed, Blake, so give him a chance to show you that." She said before walking away. "Blake, you alright?" Yang asked, "Let's just save Mantle and get out of here." I said as (y/n) ran off over to Adam, "(y/n) seems to like him being around." She said, "Yeah, but Adam's the only father (y/n)'s known so it's only natural." I said, "How can you even stand working with him after what he did at Haven and Beacon?!" I said, "I'd be lying if I said it was easy, but he's the one who keeps the heat on and the soldiers and Grimm at bay. Every day he goes out to the front lines and fights off hordes of Grimm all on his own." Jaune said, "Come on, let's get you all caught up." he said.
Adam POV
"DADDY!" (y/n) said as he ran after me, I could hear a few nearby mothers whispering, "Hey bud. Why don't you go back to your mom, I think she'd rather you not be near me." I said as I ruffled his hair.
"Adam, what's going on with you? You haven't been acting like yourself ever since she confronted you." Lilly said, "It's what she said." I said, "And that would be?" She said, "If I hand over the relic to her, she'll let those I'm close to live." I said, "I won't lie that's a tempting offer, but you can't accept it, cause if you do Atlas will fall and everyone here in Mantle will die. Even (y/n)." She said, "I know." I said as I took off my mask, "You know there are other things than that silly wrapping to hide your scar. Besides you're the hero of Mantle, you don't need to hide." She said, "I'm no hero, I'm just a means to an end. A weapon to use against the Grimm." I said, "And a father to an adorable kid." she said as she picked (y/n) up, "For a hero, you're not too aware of when you're being followed by a toddler." she said with a laugh, "Take him back to Blake. She has to be worried about him." I said, "GRIMM!" Someone shouted, "I grabbed my sword and ran out to find several Grimm rampaging, I quickly killed them before turning to see (y/n) cowering in fear clinging to Lilly, "This is why I wear my mask. It makes it easier for them to see me as a weapon and not as a man." I said before I went back inside.

Black Lotus (Male child reader X mother Blake Belladonna)
FanfictionLost, scared, unsure of what will happen next. For these two that was all that was certain until they met.