"Kitty." Both (y/n)'s said as they looked at each other, Blake and I sat them down, they walked over and sized each other up neither one being entirely sure what to make of the new and strange person in front of them. Suddenly the two began to hit one another, "(Y/N)! What have I told you about..." Blake began to say, "Don't, let them do this. Trust me they're just seeing who's stronger, and it wont be long till..." I said, suddenly Yang punched someone into a nearby car, "Didn't anyone ever teach you to keep your hands to yourself punk?!" Yang said angrily, "They realize that neither one of them is the strongest here." I said as I motioned for her to look at the two of them, "Scary." They said, "How did you know this was going to happen?!" Blake asked, "I used a similar strategy several times before." I said, 'Like when Bikou and Arthur joined the Khaos Brigade, only this time Ophis didn't blow anything up, and I didn't get to kill anything. Oh well it's still early.' I thought, "Hey um Kuroka where did the kids go?" Blake asked, "Wait what?" I said as I looked back to the kids who were nowhere to be seen, "Not again!" I said.
(y/n) Belladonna POV
"The other (y/n) and I ran off to chase some bugs when a strange man showed up, "Vali." (y/n) said, "There you are runt. Let's go, Ophis sent me to come get you and Kuroka." Vali said as he picked us both up and walked away.
"Vali play!" (y/n) said, "Both of you just shut up. Your so annoying!" Vali said as we flew, suddenly something hit us knocking (y/n) and I away from him. "Jeez Vali you cant even watch a couple of kids." A man said as he caught us, "Bikou. Don't tell me Ophis sent you." Vali said, "Yeah, and what was that thing?" Bikou asked, "Grimm." I said softly, "Hey kid you alright? You're shaking." Bikou asked, "Mama." I said.
Blake POV
"My Mommy senses are tingling!" I said, "Our kids are in trouble." Kuroka said.
(y/n) Belladonna POV
"HEY YOU! GIVE ME BACK MY NEPHEW!" Auntie Blair shouted as she slashed at Bikou with her sword and grabbed me and (y/n), "Are you boys alright? They didn't hurt you did they?!" She asked, "No." We said, "Ok you two go hide somewhere, I'll come get you when it's safe." She said as we ran off.
Blair POV
"So who's first?" I asked, "Vali you take her, I'm gonna go look for Kuroka." A man said as he walked away. "I've always wanted to kill a nine tails, so do me a favor and don't die too quickly someone said from behind me, I turned around to face him, but no one was there, "Up here." He said as I looked up to see him hovering in the air.
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"HEY DOUCHE DRAGON EMPEROR!" Another boy yelled as he punched Vali in the face, "Damn it what are you doing here?!" Vali said as the boy landed in front of me, "Is it safe to assume you're an ally?" I asked, "Yeah, the name's Issei." Issei said as strange armor formed on him.
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"Alright Issei let's go!" Vali said as armor formed on him as well.
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'W...What are these two?!' I thought as they fought in the sky.
Kuroka POV
"Hey Kuroka." Bikou said as he walked over to Me, Blake, and Yang, "BIKOU YOU MONKEY BASTARD WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY SON!" I yelled as I tackled him and smacked him mercilessly, "Wait I don't sense his energy anymore, so that means he's!" I said, "BLAKE LET'S GO BEFORE OUR KIDS GET THEMSELVES KILLED!" I shouted as I grabbed her and dragged her behind me.
(y/n) POV
"(y/n) where's your mother, Ophis needs her, and who's this?" Arthur asked, "Friend." I said as we ran through another portal.
"VALI!"The perv yelled as he and Vali flew through the portal, "Help Vali." I said as I picked up a rock, "Perv bad." I said as I threw a rock at the perv, suddenly Vali left in a magic circle, "WHERE'S MY BABY!" Blake yelled as she ran through the portal, "Mama." (y/n) said as we ran over to her, "AW YEAH SEXY MILF!" The perv shouted, "Bad perv." I said as I pointed at the perv, "Wait WHAT?!" The perv shouted, "You monster! Why would you make them suffer whatever perverse things you did?! There just babies!" Blake yelled as she shot at him.
Blake POV
"Wow you got it all wrong!" The perv said, "JUST SHUT UP AND DIE!" I yelled as I slashed at him, "THAT'S IT TAKE THIS!" He yelled as he rushed by me, "Dress break go." He said as he snapped, suddenly all my clothes tore themselves apart, not even my bow was spared,, "AW HELL YEAH! SEXY KITTY MILF! Thank you!" He said, "HEY NO ONE TALKS ABOUT BLAKE LIKE THAT BUT ME!" Yang yelled as she pummeled the perv until his armor was destroyed, "D...Duly noted, wont happen again." The perv said.
"Well this was something." I said, "Yeah, well we should get going." Kuroka said, "Maybe our kids can play again sometime." I said, "I don't see that happening seeing as non of you will remember any of this." She said as she walked through the portal with Bikou and her son, suddenly everything went black for a second. "Hey um does anyone know what happened today?" Yang asked, "N...No, AND WHY AM I NAKED?!" I shouted.
Thanks for reading. If you haven't already why don't you go check out part 1 in Dark Side.