"We can't thank you enough! Ever since Dad left and Mama got sick I've had to do everything by myself." Lilly said, "What about Luke, he certainly has more than enough energy to help out around here." I said, "You'd think, but no he's actually a very frail boy. He can only keep that energy up for a couple hours or so a day so he really just helps Mom by getting her medicine when she needs it." She said, "So um if you don't mind could you tell me about your wife, I mean ex-wife." She asked, "She wasn't my wife, she was my best friend and ex-girlfriend." I said, "Oh I didn't actually expect you to answer!" She said, "Well you saved my life so I figure that answering your questions and helping you out is the least I can do." I said, "Oh ok then, so what was she like and why did you two break up?" She asked, "We just drifted apart, it was mostly my fault." I said, "What did you do?" She asked, "I killed people." I said, "Wait what." She said in shock, "Relax that life's behind me. And to answer your question about what she was like, she was in a word ideal. She was just crazy enough to take a chance on me and I was just dumb enough to think I deserved her. I loved her for years, and even after she got pregnant I still loved her." I said, "Oh so you have a kid." She said sadly, "No he's not mine, but I helped raise him for a while." I said, "Well I think you'd make a wonderful dad, I mean look at all you've done for us!" She said, "Ya know I wouldn't mind having kids with you." She said as she held my hand and kissed me.
(y/n) POV
"Well, sweetie how do I look?" Yang asked as she walked out of the changing room.
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"Pretty!" I said as she picked me up, "Ok now it's Mama's turn." She said as Mama walked out of the changing room.
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"Mama pretty!" I said, "Thank you, sweetie." Mama said as she kissed my forehead, "Ok let's go get some lunch before we meet up with Ruby and the others." Yang said.
Adam POV
"Adam t..that was..." Lilly said, "That was a mistake." I said, "Whatever you're just mad that..." She began to say, "Not a word!" I said slightly blushing, "Aw your cute when you're flustered." She said as she got dressed, "So tell me about Blake's kid." She said, "(y/n) was a good kid. When Blake left with him he had just turned three." I said, "Sounds like a cutie, I hope that I can meet him someday." She said, "Yeah me too." I said as I got dressed as well.
"HEY SIS LOOK WHAT I FOUND!" Luke shouted as he ran over to Lilly carrying Wilt and Blush, as he ran he tripped a bit and accidentally fired blush at Lilly, I quickly jumped off the roof and took the hit for Lilly, "ADAM!" Lilly shouted as I got up, "I'm fine, my aura absorbed most of the hit." I said, "I'm so sorry Adam!" Luke said sadly, "It's ok, but you shouldn't play with my weapons." I said as I took wilt and blush away from him, "Your weapons?" He said, "Yeah I lost them when I fell, thanks for returning them." I said, "What's going on out here?" A woman asked softly as she walked outside.
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"Mama what are you doing out of bed!" Lilly said as she helped support her mother, "So you're the boy Lilly brought home. I'm Mary, I'd come over there, but Lilly thinks I just so fragile." Mary said, "I'M SORRY MAMA!" Luke cried as he ran over to his mother and hugged her, "I...I accidentally shot at Lilly a...and A...Adam got hurt!" He cried, "Shh it was an accident sweetie, I know you wouldn't ever do something like that on purpose." Mary said as she petted Luke's head gently, "Adam we'd love to have you if you'd let us." She said, "It's nice to have a man around the house again." Lilly said, "I'd be more than happy to stay." I said, "Great! You're cooking dinner tonight then!" Lilly said happily.