Chapter 54: Life, Death, and Floral Arrangements

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Blake POV

"So have you guys thought about where you're gonna get married?" Glynda asked, "Uh no, but we're not sure if we're gonna get married right away. We were thinking of taking our time, reconnect with (y/n) and find out what we wanna do with our lives going forward." I said, "That's good, you girls are far too young to rush into this, marriage is a big step for anyone. Think it through and take it slow and you'll be alright." she said, "How long did you wait before you and Tai got married?" I asked, "Oh we were married within six weeks of getting engaged when it's your fifth marriage, you know people who can get things done in minutes." She said, "Uh has anyone seen Yang? I was hoping to talk with her." Tai said, "Uh Yang, I don't know how to drive!" (y/n) said, "WELL NOW'S THE TIME TO LEARN!" Yang said, "Now which one's the clutch? OKAY! WE'RE DRIVING!" (y/n) shouted as the sound of screeching tires filled the air, "I'll get the first-aid kit." Glynda said, "What's that gonna do when he wraps the car around a tree?" I asked, "It's a very good first-aid kit." she said.

(y/n) POV

We were speeding through the forest dodging trees, "APPLY THE HAND BREAK!" Yang shouted before a Beowulf attacked the car, "Yang, you drive, I'm gonna do a thing." I said as I jumped out of the car equipping my bracers and fired the grappling hook into the Beowulf's head killing it before I hit the ground hard landing on my shoulder and dislocated it. I was quickly surrounded, I calmly walked over to a tree and braced my arm, "Well whose gonna take a shot?! You'll never have a better opportunity!" I said as a Grimm ran through the tree popping my shoulder back in place before I stabbed it in the eye, "That's much better." I said as I rolled my shoulder while releasing the grappling hooks on my bracers, and used them as arm-mounted whips to kill the Grimm.

Blake POV

"We're back." Yang said as she walked into the house, "Honey why are you on fire?" I asked, "Our son crashed the car, and killed a pack of Grimm." she said, "Ok, and the fire?" I asked as I put the fire out, "Gasoline." she said, "I'm gonna go take a shower." she said as she kissed my cheek and went to the shower. "Are you alright sweetie?" I asked as (y/n) walked inside, "Yeah, but I'm gonna need a doctor." (y/n) said as he held his shoulder, "What happened?" I asked, "I dislocated it...twice...while using grappling hooks as whips. But before that, I jumped out of the speeding car! It was awesome!" he said, "Ok we're going to the doctor and you are not driving again till you're twenty." I said, "Glynda, can I borrow your car?" I asked, "Sure, just don't let your son drive." she joked.

After we got back from the doctor I went up to see Yang, "So we're gonna have to put off leaving by about a week or so while we wait for (y/n) shoulder to heal. And this is a non-negotiable, we're not leaving our son again." I said, "Yeah, I figured and already let Ruby and Weiss know." Yang said, "So I was thinking about the floral arrangements...and I don't think sunflowers are a great option." I said.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2023 ⏰

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