The Beowolf closed in on me and with every one of it's steps I cried more and hoped Mama would make it go away, "(Y/N)!" Someone yelled, suddenly the grimm fell over and turned to smoke, "D...Daddy." I cried as he sheathed his sword.
"Daddy!" I cried as my father picked me up, "Hey, hey you're ok, your ok bud." Daddy said, "M...Mama." I cried, "OH MY GOD (Y/N)!" Auntie Blair yelled as she threw off her mash and took me from Daddy, "Shhh sweetie you're ok." She said, "Scary." I said, "Don't worry Auntie Blair will make all the scary things go away, but first I need you to calm down and go to sleep. Can you do that for me?" She asked, I nodded and closed my eyes and fell asleep.
Blair POV
"Very good sweetie." I said as I rubbed his back, "Good work Blair, now give him to me." Adam said, "No." I said, "What!" He said angrily, "He's not your son Adam!" I said, "Give me my son Blair NOW!" He said, "No, and on another note I quit!" I said as I walked past him, "If you're not with us, then you're against us." He said, suddenly there was a gunshot, "Hey asshole, it's not nice to point weapons at women and children!" Blaze said as barrel of his sniper rifle smoked, "B...Blaze?" I said as he rushed past me and slashed at Adam, "And who's the new victim Blair?" Adam asked, "My boyfriend, and he's anything but your victim!" I said, "Boyfriend me?!" Blaze said as he looked back at me, "BLAZE!" I yelled as Adam stabbed him, he vomited up a lot of blood as Adam pulled his blade out of him, "GO GET TO THE DOCKS I'LL BE RIGHT BEHIND YOU!" Blaze yelled, "NOT WITHOUT YOU!" I cried, "JUST GO DAMN IT! WORRY ABOUT (Y/N) NOT ME HE'S MORE IMPORTANT!" He yelled as I ran.
Blaze POV
"What you're not gonna finish me off?" I said, "No and I'm not going to follow you to her either. This is her torture." Adam said, "Your a real prick you know that." I said as I got up and walked away.
"BLAZE!" Blair cried as she ran over to me and hugged me, "A...Are you alright?" She asked, "I'm fine, a little scrape like this I hardly even noticed it." I said, "Hey I...I got you something." I said as I handed her a necklace.
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"Happy early birthday." I said, "I love it." She said happily before she kissed me, suddenly Kenma slashed at her, "GET AWAY FROM HIM!" He shouted, "We don't need a member of the White Fang around our friend, so do us all a favor and just go." Aaron said, "Y...You're right, I...I'll go." Blair said, "B...Blair no don't." I said weakly, "Stop it, she doesn't need to see this." He said, "Goodbye old friend, you really were the strongest one of all of us."Kenma said as everything gradually faded to black.
Blake POV
"(Y/N)!" I cried as I ran over to Weiss and took my son from her, "Mama." He said in his sleep, I didn't say anything I just kissed the top of his head and cried, suddenly there was a bright flash of light from the top of beacon tower, I took that opportunity to run away, "Don't worry sweetie we...we're going home." I said.
3rd Person POV
Ruby went to go help Pyrrha, but despite her best efforts she wasn't fast enough to reach the top of Beacon tower in time to save her. Maybe if she were faster, or if her gear was a bit lighter she would have made it and Pyrrha would still be alive.