"My name is Ruby Rose, and I'm the fastest girl alive. When I was a child, I saw my cookies killed by something impossible. My dog went to prison for their murder. Then my semblance made me the impossible. To the outside world, I'm just an ordinary girl with a high impact rifle that's also a scythe, but secretly I use my speed to fight crime and find others like me, and one day I'll find who killed my cookies and get justice for my pupper. I am the Ruby!" I said, "And that's my idea for a tv show!" I said, "Ruby that was the dumbest thing I've ever heard and no one would watch that." Weiss said, "BUT MY TEAM RUBY!" I said, "Zoom zoom!" (y/n) said as he ran around me, "See! (y/n) likes it." I said, "No he doesn't, he just likes all the bright colors and flashy lights you used in your presentation." Weiss said, "Whatever are we gonna go shopping or not?" I said as I picked up (y/n), "Since when are we going shopping?!" Weiss asked, "Since I found out that (y/n) is loaded!" I said as (y/n) flashed her the card Terra gave him, "We are not exploiting a child!" Weiss said, "No toys?" (y/n) said sadly, "Don't do that you'll make me feel guilty!" She said, "Sorry bud auntie Weiss just hates toys and fun." I said, "FINE! But I'll be covering our expenses!" She said, "No Terra will she gave us all an allowance of two hundred thousand lien. Wait didn't she give you a card?" I asked, "She did but I promptly returned it...followed by getting flashed by Blake but that's an entirely different story." She said.
"WHY WON'T YOU TELL ME WHAT HAPPENED!" I said as we approached a crowd, suddenly I heard someone begin to play music.
It took me a second to realize it was live and before I knew it I was locking eyes with the lead singer.
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"Ruby are you alright? Are...ARE YOU BLUSHING?!" Weiss said, "Whaa, no you're crazy." I said as I continued to watch him, "WE'RE LEAVING!" She said as she dragged me away.
(y/n) POV
"(Y/N) COME ALONG!" Auntie Weiss said I didn't like the boy that auntie Ruby was drooling over so I glaired at him while auntie Weiss picked me up and carried me away.
Ruby POV
"WE'RE BACK!" I said, "Welcome back, and how was (y/n)? I hope he wasn't any trouble." Blake said as (y/n) ran around us, "Nope no trouble at all apart from wanting to chop off his arm so he could replace it with a sword arm which would've been awesome!" I said, "BUT, I wouldn't let him go through with it. Unlike little miss bad influence over here." Weiss said as she glared at me, "HEY I'M NOT LITTLE! I drink milk!" I said as I handed (y/n) his bag. "Oh yeah (y/n) bought a new toy." I said, "Oh and what did he buy?" Blake asked as (y/n) pulled his new toy out of the bag.
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"IT'S THE ULTIMATE BUBBLE WAND!" I said as (y/n) made a giant bubble around himself and began to float up. "That's a dangerous toy." Blake said nervously, "You don't know the half of it." Weiss said as she pinched the bridge of her nose suddenly the blades popped out of the wand and popped the bubble causing (y/n) to fall onto Yang, "Well hey there kitten. I was nice of you to DROP by." Yang said from the floor, "Yang that wasn't even PUNny!" Weiss said, "You're right I just wasn't feline it. I almost had a major CATastrophe." Yang said, "Oh what have I done..." Weiss said, "Hey Blake is it just me, or is it cold in here?" Yang asked, "No, why are you cold?" Blake asked, "Yeah I'm as cold as WICE." Yang said making (y/n) laugh, "At least someone finds you funny." I said suddenly there was a knock at the door, "I'll get it." I said as I opened the door, "Why hello there beautiful." the boy from earlier said, "H...Hi." I said as I began to blush, "You and your friend were at my dad's weapon shop and you left this." He said as he handed me my wallet, "Oh my gosh!" I said, "I'm Aaron by the way." He said, "It's nice to meet you, Aaron I'm..." I began to say, "You're Ruby Rose, my dad told me since you showed him your huntsman's license to get a discount on that weapon for the kid." He said, "THIS IS A WEAPON?!" Blake said in shock, "I'll see you around Ruby." Aaron said as he walked away, "Aw does my baby sister have a crush?!" Yang said, "NO SHUT UP!" I said in embarrassment as I ran up to my room using my semblance.