"M-Mika, Mika! Put that down young lady!" Lilly said, "Aunt Lilly!" (y/n) said as he hugged Lilly, "Hi sweetie, would you mind helping me with Mika? She listens to you." Lilly said, "Welcome home you two." Lilly said, "I heard you're engaged! Congrats!" she said, "Thank you." I said.
Lilly POV
"So who's gonna keep (y/n)?" I asked, "We haven't discussed anything yet, but I think he's gonna go live with Blake and Yang." Blair said as she bounced Luna, "You know you have a right to keep him. Especially after what happened with Terra." I said, "She went back on her word, and now I legally own half of her assets until (y/n) turns eighteen." she said, "Just remember that (y/n)'s your boy. You were there for him during the worst times of his life." I said, "Lilly, what's your game? Are you trying to get me to fight my sister for (y/n) or something?" she asked, "Honestly, I just don't wanna see (y/n) leave. And don't you dare say he won't leave if he lives with Blake and Yang, because we all know they'll leave. They always do." I said, "I know, but Blake's his mom, and while it'll be painful it'll be good for him." she said, "But is that what he wants?" I asked, "He's a kid. This isn't his decision to make." she said.
Blair POV
"Blake it's good I found you! I've been meaning to talk to you." I said, "Is this about who Luna's dad is, cause I have my theories." Blake said, "One my baby isn't some conspiracy for you to theorize about, and two (y/n) knows who he is and why no one talks about him." I said, "Oh, well anyway I wanted to talk to you too." she said, "I'm just gonna cut to the chase before you can, I want (y/n) to live with you." we said, "WHAT?!" we said in shock, "Blake, he's YOUR son! He needs his mom!" I said, "And he has a mom, you. He hates me and I don't blame him. In his eyes, I abandoned him. Meanwhile, you've been the perfect mother to him." she said, "Well it's clear to me that neither of us is going to back down. I'll keep making my immensely valid point of you being his mother, and you will make an argument that I'm not gonna listen to." I said, "Then we shall let her decide this." she said, "MOM!" we yelled.
Yang POV
"Hey, there kiddo. You seem upset, wanna talk about it?" I asked, "I heard Blake and Mommy fighting. They say I'm just a kid." (y/n) said, "Hate to break it to ya, but you are just a kid, sweetie. But I see your point, you're feeling left out like the adults are making all your decisions for you." I said, "Exactly." he said, "Well for me and Blake, the last time we saw you was just after your fourth birthday, and yes we know you're seven years old now, and such a big boy, but we still see you as the little baby we left behind." I said, "I know." he said, "Yang, can I tell you something?" he asked, "Anything." I said.
Blake POV
"So it's settled then." Blair said, "Nothing's settled." Yang said as she walked into the room, "I've got a few things to say. One, Blake you better not throw this one away, it was expensive." she said as she tossed me a ring.
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"Not your typical engagement ring is it?" Blair said, "You should've seen the first one. This is an improvement." I said as I put the ring on, "Two, did any of you ask (y/n) what he wanted?" Yang asked, "Well we're the..." Blair began to say, "Adults we get it, and no one cares. (y/n)'s a smart kid, he knows when he's being talked down to. And all day you've been talking down to him making him feel like his thoughts and opinions didn't matter." Yang said, "(y/n) tell them what you told me." she said as (y/n) walked in and stood next to her, "I wanna live with Blake and Yang." he said, "Then it's settled, by grandma law (y/n) shall live with Blake and Yang, I have spoken." Mom said.
Yang helped (y/n) pack before he said his goodbyes. "So where are we going?" (y/n) asked, "To the place we hid the Hydra. And after that, to Patch, it's where I grew up." Yang said as we drove to the Hydra and arrived in the clearing where we left it.
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"We stole it from Derek." Yand said, "Awesome." (y/n) said.