Blake POV
"Mama."(y/n) said as Blair handed him to me, "Hi sweetie." I said as I bounced him, "Did you do everything on the list I gave you?" I asked, "Yeah." Blair said, "Did you give him a bath? I know I didn't put it on the list, but he might have said something to you." I said, "Yeah he took a bath with me. I hope that's ok with you." She said, "It's fine since you're his aunt." I said as (y/n) snuggled up against me, "What wrong sweetie?" I asked as I bounced him, "He's probably just exhausted like me." Blair said, "Wait why didn't the two of you sleep well last night?" I asked worriedly, "Well my plan worked a bit too well. The boys kept us up all night with their crying." She said, "It was that bad hugh?" I asked, "Yeah." (y/n) said exhaustedly, "Ok sweetie how about you get some rest." I said, "Aw did someone not have a very good night?" Yang said as she ruffled (y/n)'s hair, "Someone didn't sleep very well because Auntie Blair made three boys cry all night long." I said as I rubbed his back.
(y/n) slept for three full classes using me and Blair's laps for a pillow, "Mama." (y/n) said as he rubbed the sleep from his eye, "Good morning sweetheart." I said, "Hungry Mama." He said, "Ok well can you wait just a little bit longer ok." I said.
"Ok sweetie eat up." I said as I sat out a bowl of macaroni and cheese for him. "He's so cute!" Blair said, "Hey Blair why don't you come sit with us!" A boy yelled, "How about no, I'd rather eat lunch with a boy I actually enjoy spending time with!" Blair said, "That was kinda mean sis." I said, "They stole a pair of my underwear each! They deserve this!" She said as she took a bite of her lunch, "I see your point." I said.
"Sweetie don't run off!" I said as Ruby quickly grabbed (y/n) before he could run too far ahead of us, "Blake you know that you could have just asked Blair to watch him right?" Yang said, "Yeah, but Pyrrha offered to read to him as well as be his personal babysitter so I wont always have to ask Blair." I said, "Makes sense. She is an adult with her own life." She said, "That and she might take (y/n) to go live with her mom, it's this whole big thing that I don't wanna get into." I said as we sat down.
Pyrrha POV
"Jaune I don't think that a child should be reading that." I said as I took Jaune's comic book away and replaced it with a textbook, "Big." (y/n) said softly as he pointed at the large textbook, "Yes, yes it is." I said, "Too many big words! Brain no work goodly." Jaune said, "Jaune study we have a test tomorrow." I said as I sat (y/n) on my lap, "Bunny." (y/n) said as he looked at the comic, "You like the Super Bunny Man comic?" I asked, "Yeah." He said, "Ha Summer Bois." Jaune said, "Jaune study." I said as I took the second comic.
"And that's how the seasons were made." I said, "Um Pyrrha he's asleep." Jaune said, "Oh, I'm sorry." I said quietly.
Blake POV
Pyrrha had just dropped off (y/n). "(y/n) sweetie wake up, wake up sweetie." I said as I woke him up, "Come on honey let's get a real quick bath. I don't believe Auntie Blair gave you a bath." I said as I kissed his forehead.
"Sleepy." (y/n) said, "I know honey, I know. We're almost done." I said as I finished washing him, "There all done." I said as I took him out of the tub and wrapped him up in his towel, "Ok honey I'm gonna real quick dry you off and then you can go to bed." I said as I dried him off and put him into his pajamas.
"Poor baby he's exhausted." Yang said as she petted his cat ears softly, "Ya know I don't think he feels good." I said as lied him down and felt his forehead, "He's burning up!" I said, "What are we gonna do? At least one of us has to stay here with him." She said, "I'll stay with him, I'll just tell Mis. Goodwitch the situation. He's my baby I should be the one talking care of him." I said, "I just can't believe that none of us even thought to discuss this." She said.
The next morning I called Mis. Goodwitch and told her about (y/n), she said it would be fine as long as I made up the work I missed. The others had already been gone for an hour by time (y/n) woke up. "Good morning sweetheart, are you feeling any better?" I asked sweetly, "Mama school." He said weakly as he tried to get up, "No no sweetie, Mama's staying home with you today." I said as I lied him back down and felt his forehead again, "Hmm you still have a fever. Do you think you can wait for the others to come home for me to go out and buy you some medicine?" I asked as I petted his head gently, he nodded, "Ok sweetheart." I said as I gave him a kiss on the cheek, "Oh I almost forgot, you can watch as much TV as you want, but you have to get lots of rest and keep hydrated alright. If you get hungry Mama will go get you something to eat." I said, "WHERE! IS! THE BABY!" A woman yelled as the door suddenly burst open, "A...AUNT KUROKA?!" I said in shock as Aunt Kuroka entered the dorm dragging several security guards behind her, "BABY!" She shouted as she broke free of the guards and jumped over to (y/n), "STOP IT HE'S SICK!" I scalded, "But the baby." She said sadly as she calmed down, "Miss cant be here unless your a student." A guard said, "She's fine, she's my aunt visiting from Menagerie." I said as the guards left. "Why are you here?!" I asked angrily, "I wanted to see the baby!" Kuroka said happily, "You could have just asked or called you know." I said, "Yeah, but I wanted to see him in person!" She said, "Well he's sick at the moment." I said, "Oh poor thing." She said, "Well since you're here would you mind watching him for me please?" I asked, "Ok!" She said happily, suddenly (y/n) grabbed my pant leg, "Mama." He said weakly, "Hey it's alright. Since Mama's Auntie Kuroka's here I'm going to go buy you some medicine so you'll feel better." I said sweetly as I took his hand off my pant leg gently.

Black Lotus (Male child reader X mother Blake Belladonna)
FanfictionLost, scared, unsure of what will happen next. For these two that was all that was certain until they met.