Blake POV
"Look who's back!" I said, "Blake you did get rid of her right?' Blair asked, "Yeah it's weird she just showed up and when I got home she was gone!" I said, "What's so bad about your mom visiting?" Yang asked, "You try keeping your two hundred fourteen year old mother happy during a surprise visit." Blair said, "SHE'S TWO HUNDRED FOURTEEN?!" The others shouted in shock, "Yeah, Blake didn't tell you?" Blair said.
I've been up every night for the past week trying to figure out what the White Fang and Torchwick are planning, everyone just assumes I've been busy taking care of my baby, but they're only half right. I was in the middle of doing research when a red dot appeared on the screen, 'Whoever's doing this is gonna pay later!' I thought, but it just kept coming back. I decided to follow it back to whoever was doing this since they obviously wanted my attention. Eventually I was met by Yang.
"Yang if you're going to tell me to stop you might as well just save your breath." I said, "I don't want you to stop, I want you to slow down." Yang said, "We don't have the luxury to slow down." I said, "It's not a luxury, it's a necessity." She said, "The necessity is stooping Torchwick!" I said, "And we're going to, but first you're have to sit down and listen to what I have to say." She said as she patted in front of her on the desk for me to sit down on. I walked over to the desk and sat down, "Fine." I said, "Ruby and I grew up in Patch, an island just off the cost of Vale. Our parents were huntsmen, our dad would teach at signal and our mom would take on missions around the kingdom. Her name was Summer Rose, and she was like super mom. Baker of cookies and slayer of giant monsters, and then one day she left for a mission and never came back. It was tough, Ruby was really torn up, but I think she was still to young to really get what was going on you know. And my dad just kinda shutdown. It wasn't long before I learned why. Summer wasn't the first love he'd lost, she was the second, the first was my mom. He wouldn't tell me everything, but I learned that the two of them had been on a team together with Summer and Qrow, and that she left me with him just after I was born. No one had seen her since." She said, "Why did she leave you?" I asked, she sighed, "That question. Why? I didn't know the answer, but determined to find out." She said as she got up and walked up to the black board, "It was all I thought about. I would ask anybody I could what they knew about her, then one day I found something, what I thought was a clue that could lead me to answers or maybe even my mother. I waited for dad to leave the house, put Ruby in a wagon, and headed out. I must've walked for hours. I had cuts and bruises, I was totally exhausted, but I wasn't going to let anything stop me. When we finally got there I could barely stand. But I didn't care I had made it, and then I saw them. Those burning red eyes. There we were a toddler asleep in the back of a wagon and a stupid girl to exhausted to even cry for help. We might as well have been served up on a silver platter, but as luck would have it, our uncle showed up just in time. My stubbornness should have gotten us killed that night. She said, "Yang, I'm sorry that happened to you and I understand what yo're trying to tell ma, but this is different. I'm not a child, and this isn't just a search for answers I cant just..." I said, "I told you I'm not telling you to stop! I haven't, to this day I still wanna know what happened to my mother and why she left me, but I will never let that search control me. We're going to find the answers we're looking for Blake, bu if we destroy ourselves in the process then what good are we?" She said, "You don't understand, I'm the only one who can do this!" I said, "No you don't understand! If Roman Torchwick were to walk through that door what would you do?!" She asked angrily, "I'd fight him!" I said, "You'd loose!" She said as she pushed me, "I can stop him!" I said as I put my hand on hr shoulder, "You cant even stop me!" She said as she pushed me onto the desk once again. "I'm not asking you to stop, just please get some rest. Not just for you, but the people you care about." She said as she hugged me, "And if not for them, than for your son. He's worried about you. He wants his mother to go back to normal. And if you feel like coming out tomorrow, I'll save you a dance." She said as she walked away. I sighed and left.
"Mama." (y/n) said, "Hey sweetie." I said as I picked him up, "Mama's sorry for scaring you, I just had a lot on my mind." I said as I kissed him on the cheek, "Mama sleepy?" He asked, "Very, how about I read you a story and we go to bed early tonight." I said, "Mama bedtime." He said, "Ok." I said.

Black Lotus (Male child reader X mother Blake Belladonna)
FanfictionLost, scared, unsure of what will happen next. For these two that was all that was certain until they met.