(y/n) POV
Mama and I went to some boring orientation and after wards we were told to go to the ballroom for the night. "Excuse me miss...Belladonna but why did you feel the need to bring a child with you to an academy for huntsmen such as this?" A blonde woman asked, "He's my son, and I didn't really have much of a choice he sorta followed me and for reasons I really don't want to get into I cant send him back home to his father." Mama said, "I see, well if you'd like he may spend the night with me so he can sleep in a nice warm bed as opposed to in a sleeping bag on the cold hard floor." The woman said, "Well sweetie what do you wanna do?" Mama asked, I just buried my face in her chest, "I'll ask him once he's seen the ballroom, for whatever reason he's being unusually shy." She said as we walked away.
"Honey what's wrong, why are you being so shy and quiet." Mama asked, "Daddy" I said softly, "You miss him don't you." She said, "Yeah." I said, "Sweetie, Daddy did something very very bad and Mama had to leave him." She said, "Bad?" I said, "Yeah Daddy bad." She said softly, "Enough about him how about I read you a bed time story?" She said, I nodded as I rubbed my eyes and yawned.
Blake POV
I had just lit the candles to start reading to (y/n) when two girls walked over to us, "Hello~" A blond girl said, "Hi." I said, "Hi I'm Ruby, but you can just call me crater...actually you can just call me Ruby." Ruby said nervously, "And I'm Yang! Ruby's older sister, and you are?" Yang said, I sighed, "Blake." I said, "Well it nice to meet you Blake. I like your bow ." She said, "Thanks." I said, "It goes great with your...pajamas." She said, "Right." I said, "Nice night don't ya think?" She asked, "Yes it's lovely, almost as lovely this book." I said, "That I will continue reading...as soon as you leave." I said, "Yeah this girl's a lost cause." She whispered, "Whats it about?" Ruby asked, "Your book does it have a name?" She asked, "It's about a man with two souls each fighting for control. over his body." I said, "Oh yeah that's real lovely." Yang said, " I love books, Yang used to read to me before bed. Stories hero's and monsters. Their one of the reasons I wanna be a huntress." Ruby said, "Oh why is that? Hoping to live happily ever after?" I said, "I hope we all will. As a girl I wanted to be just like those hero's in the books, someone who fought for what was right and protected people who couldn't protect themselves." She said, "That's very ambitious for a child." I said as I glanced down at (y/n), "Unfortunately the real world isn't the same as a fairy tale." I said, "Well that's why we're here...to make it better." She said, "Oh I'm so proud of my baby sister." Yang said as she picked up Ruby. The two began to fight soon after. I began to hear some soft snoring coming from (y/n), I smiled slightly and blew out the candles and lied down, "Goodnight sweetie." I whispered as I kissed his forehead.
(y/n) POV
Mama and I ate breakfast together like usual, but for whatever reason all the girls at breakfast kept looking at me and saying something to their friends.
"Ok sweetie, Mama has to take a little test ok." Mama said, "You'll be a good boy for me right?" She said, I nodded and she took her place with the other students. Soon after the blonde lady and a man with a coffee cup started explaining the test, but I was too busy chasing a grasshopper to pay attention. "Say bye to mommy sweetie." The blonde woman said, "Bye." I said as my mother was launched into the air and a few seconds later a little girl followed suit. I began to walk over to the cliff side so I could follow Mama, "Oh no you don't!" The woman said as a purple glow appeared around me and somehow I was pulled into the woman's arms, "Mama." I said as I tried to get away from her, "Your mother will be fine I promise." She said as she put me down, "Froggy." I said as I pounced at a small frog, but it jumped away before I could get it.
Glynda POV
"Oz." I said, "No." Ozpin said as he took a sip of his coffee, "I want one." I said as I watched (y/n) chase a frog like a little kitten.
Blake POV
"Soo Blake that little boy is he..." Yang said, "Yes he's my son." I said, "HE'S YOUR SON?!" She shouted, "Yeah what did you think he was?" I asked, "I don't know your baby brother or something, but not your actual baby!" She said, "Yes I had a kid, I was young and stupid is it really that supersizing?" I said, "Yes! You would never be able to tell you ever had a baby! I mean look at you." She said, "T...Thank you." I said, "So is his father..." She asked, "A faunus yes." I said, "Well he's adorable. Are you gonna keep him around or send him home?" She asked, "I cant send him home ever. It's not safe for him." I said, "Blake I didn't mean to bring up bad memories." She said, "No it's fine I love talking about my son, so please by all means ask away." I said.
(y/n) POV
"(y/n) sweetie." Mama said as she picked me up, "Mama." I said as I showed her the frog I caught, "Aw kitten, it's sweet you got me a present, but you have to let it go ok." She said, "Ok." I said as she put the frog down in the grass, "Kitten?" A blond haired girl said, "He's my little kitten, and before you ask he acts like a kitten mostly because he's three, but also because there was a cat that would leave presents at our door and since he has cat ears he started bringing me little presents too." Mama said, "Well I think it's cute!" The blonde girl said, "Ruby you should do that for me too!" She said, "WHAT NO! I'm not getting you presents like that Yang!" Ruby said, "Wuby." I said as I pointed at Ruby and chewed on my fingers, "Sweetie don't chew on your fingers." Mama said as she pulled my fingers out of my mouth, "Yang." I said as I pointed at Yang, "Ice Queen." I said.
Later we all went to the ceremony to welcome the new teams. "Ruby Rose, Weiss Schnee, Blake Belladonna, and Yang Xaio Long. You retrieved the black knight relic, and from this day forward form team RWBY led by Ruby Rose." Mr. Ozpin said.
"Well sweetie this is our new home for the next four years." Mama said, "We'll have so much fun!" Ruby said, "Look at that sweetie there are two people who will love and look out for you." Mama said, "That's right!" Yang said, "I always did want a little brother." Ruby said, "HEY WHAT ABOUT ME?!" Weiss said.

Black Lotus (Male child reader X mother Blake Belladonna)
FanfictionLost, scared, unsure of what will happen next. For these two that was all that was certain until they met.