Chapter 1: Beginnings

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Blake POV

Before I started dating Adam there was another, to be honest, I don't even remember his name or what he looks like. All I can remember was he was human and he took advantage of me, but he gave me the best thing in my life; my son (y/n). When I told my parents I was pregnant Mom was pissed with me for about fifteen seconds before she started crying while hugging me. Eventually, I started dating Adam and soon after I had my little (y/n). Everything was great I had my baby and an amazing boyfriend who not only loved me but my son as well. At least that was the case until Adam began killing more and more humans and calling it accidents or payback for what they did to me. It was at that point that I realized that I had to go, but I couldn't take (y/n) with me, but how do you tell a three-year-old that his mother is leaving and may never come back and that the man who he calls daddy is a murderer.

"Good bye Adam." I said as I separated the train cars, 'I am so so sorry sweetheart Mama has to go.' I thought, suddenly my bag began to move, "Oh please don't tell me." I said as I opened my bag, "Mama!" (y/n) said happily as his adorable little ears popped up, "(y/n) sweetheart what are you doing here?!" I asked trying my hardest not to shout at him, he just handed me my ribbon, "Oh come here." I said as I picked him up, "You know Grandma and Grandpa are going to be upset that you ran off right?" I said, he nodded.

When we arrived in Vale I explained to (y/n) that I was going to go to a school to become a huntress and that if I got in that we would be living at a school with lots of new people. I think he was just excited about all the new people and all the new things he was seeing for the first time. 

(y/n) POV

"Do you like riding in the bullhead?" Mama asked as she held me in the seat while I jumped up and down, "I'll take that as a yes." She said with a slight laugh. 

Blake POV

"Excuse me miss. Is that your son?" A girl with red hair asked, "Yes, yes he is." I said, "Well he is absolutely adorable!" She said as I petted (y/n) softly as he slept using my lap for a pillow, "Thank you." I said, "Well it was nice talking to you, sorry for disturbing you." She said as she walked away. 'Well, she was nice." I thought as we landed.

(y/n) and I got off the bullhead and he immediately tried to run off, "Sweetie you will stay by Mama's side ok. This is a very big place and I don't want you to get lost." I said, suddenly there was an explosion, "I hope this isn't what it'll be like all the time here." I said as I picked up a small glass bottle, "Hey I said I was sorry princess!" A girl in a red hood said, "Heiress actually. Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, one of the largest producers of energy propellant in the world." I said, "Finally some recognition." Weiss said, "The same company infamous for its controversial labor forces and questionable business partners." I said, "What! How dare!" She said the girl in the hood began to laugh at Weiss getting flustered, "UGH!" Weiss grunted as she took back the bottle of dust. "I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU PROMISE!" The hooded girl yelled to Weiss as I walked away, "Ok sweetie let's...go...(y/n)?" I said as I looked around for my son.

(y/n) POV 

When Mama was talking to those other people I saw a butterfly and decided to chase it. I chased it until I decided to pounce on it, but before I could get the butterfly someone grabbed me, "I'm sorry." The woman who grabbed me said, "Butterfly." I said, "Sweetie don't look down ok. I'm going to pull you in now." She said as she pulled me in as I looked down and saw I was dangling over the edge of a cliff, "What's your name sweetie?" She asked, "(y...y/n)." I said softly, "(y/n) my name is Pyrrha and I need you to look at me ok."She said, I nodded and looked up at her as she pulled me up. "There you're alright now." She said, I hugged her and began to cry, "(Y/N)!" Mama shouted as she ran over to us, "MAMA!" I shouted as I ran to my mother and hugged her, "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" She cried as she hugged me.

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