"So sweetie how do I look?" Mom asked as she walked out in her new gear.
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"Not bad, but mine's better." I said as I put on my bracers and shoulder guards, "How's that better?" she asked, "Mine has function aside from making Yang stare." I said as I shot a grappling hook past her and into a tree, "It also has knives." I said, "SO COOL!" Ruby said, "I know I am." I said.
Blake POV
"Well, he sure is..." Ruby began to say, "He's arrogant and rude! Yang and I have been trying and trying to get through to him, but no! We're the bad guys!" I said.
"So what now? I mean, Atlas fell and is now contained. So what's next?" Weiss asked, "You could go help with the civil war in Mugen, "Oh, never mind, looks like vomit boy is on it with his sister." (y/n) said as scrolled through articles on his Scroll. "Sorry, I'm getting a call." he said, "Uh honey, how are you getting a phone call?" I asked, "Oh we worked around the towers being destroyed. Yeah, we have satellites now and worldwide coverage." he said as he walked off, "We could have just called each other and met up." I said in defeat. "So we're gonna go help Vomit Boy right?" Yang asked, "Yeah, I'm just disheartened." I said, "He's a child, honey, he's got the advantage when it comes to technology. Blair probably gave him a Scroll pad whenever he started acting up to get him to shut up." she said, "Actually it was the other way around. When Aunt Blair got home from a bad Kindling date I'd give her a Scroll Pad with the Bachelor playing and a sippy cup full of wine or bourbon, I knew it worked when the sniffling stopped and the snoring started." (y/n) said, "Oh, well..." Yang said, "Are we really being outsmarted by an eight-year-old?!" she whispered, "Yes you are." (y/n) said, "Sweetie who are you talking to?" I asked, "Grandma, she was worried about me." he said, "May I talk to her for a second?" I asked as I took his phone, "Hi Mom, you didn't think to tell us that the phones work again?" I said, "What do you mean you and Blair told (y/n) to tell us?" I said, "M-Mom! Were you listening to us?! I know I wasn't that loud. L-Look! What my fiancé and I do in private is none of your business, Mother! Even if we were in your house!" I said before hanging up and giving (y/n) his Scroll back, "Yang when we get married, we need to get a house, preferably far from my nosey mother." I said, "We can go back to the Yang Cave. I've been practicing my carpentry, and with both arms, I bet I can make a good bed." Yang said.
We decided to do some much-needed maintenance on our weapons using Signal's tools and resources and gather supplies before leaving in three days. "Uh, Blake, you need to see this." Yang said as I put down my tools and followed her to a screen playing a live feed of the training room where four students were fighting as a team against automatons. I was confused as to why teachers and students alike were so enthralled by something so mundane, but then I saw my son cutting down robot after robot. I checked the round counter and saw it was on round 377 out of 500 on the hardest difficulty. It showed the former record on this difficulty setting was only eleven rounds completed. "Why is he like this?" I asked in embarrassment as I covered my face, "Honey, this is amazing. He's got what it takes to be a pro-huntsman one day. He's a freaking eight-year-old and he's already this good!" Yang said as she held my hands, "This kid is going to have the two best moms in all of Remnant. So instead of..." she began to say, "Wait, Blake, you got engaged? To who?" Tai asked, "Right here Dad." Yang said, "My daughter is engaged!" Tai said happily in shock, "Yeah, why did you think that we were sleeping together and gave (y/n) the guest room?" Yang asked, "I don't know, I guess it was the same reason why your sister and Weiss share a room." Tai said, "You know they're seeing each other right?" I said, "WHAT?! I gotta go lie down." He said in shock before walking away, "Anyway, instead of discouraging him from using this natural talent, we nurture it and teach him. I think it would help reconnect with him too." Yang said as she held me close, suddenly a robot punched (y/n) causing a golden aura to ripple across his body and before long he was swarmed around the round ended.
"(y/n)." I said, "Oh great, here comes the lecture." (y/n) sighed, "Good job in there, but I noticed that your footwork is lagging behind when you're dodging, if you'd like, Yang and I would be more than happy to help you work at fixing that." I said, "Really? Uh, thanks, Mom? I guess." he said confused as he walked away.