"I'm back kiddies." Blair said, "Blair!" I said as I gently handed (y/n) to Yang, "Where did you go? I was so worried about you!" I said as I hugged her, "Blake it's not a big deal." She said, "IT IS A BIG DEAL! If anything were to happen to me and Yang then...then you, Mom, Dad, and everyone on this ship would be all the family (y/n) would have left!" I said, "Blake I think its time." Yang said, "Blake what's going on?" Blair asked, "Well, everyone Yang and I started dating." I said, "WELL IT'S ABOUT TIME!" Nora said, "Honestly Blake why didn't you say something sooner? We're a team." Weiss said, "Honestly I'd expect this kind of thing from Jaune but not you Yang and on a completely related note...YES IF YOU TWO GET MARRIED I GET AN ADORABLE NEPHEW!" Ruby said, "Ok WHAT?! One minute I'm out fighting Cinder and the next thing I know my baby sister has a girlfriend!" Blair said, "Wait, you didn't know they liked each other? They've had eyes for each other since like the first day of school." Ren said, "BUT SHE'S TOO YOUNG TO DATE!" Blair shouted as she pulled my head into her chest, suddenly a small bolt of black flames hit the wall, "Sorry! Baby's first semblance!" Yang said as (y/n) glaired at us before lying his head on her chest and went back to sleep, "So that's what happened back in Mistral." Blair said, "Wait what was that?" I said, "Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about." She said, "so little (y/n) has a flame type semblance." Ruby said, "Makes sense considering his father was a pyromancer." I said, "So what's the plan?" Weiss asked, "We should stay and fight, but..." Ruby said, "But if we did we would die." Yang said, "So that brings us back to our next move." Penny said, "I think I have an idea." I said, "Well let's hear it." Ren said.
Blair POV
"WELCOME TO VACUO!" Sun said, "Blake it's nice to see you again." He said, "Sorry loverboy she's taken." I said, "WHAT BY WHO?! I SWEAR I'LL..." He said as I pointed at Yang who was letting (y/n) crawl on her, "Oh." He said sadly, "Aw it's so sad seeing you like this. It's almost like watching a sad little puppy wandering around." I said as I patted him on the back.
Blake POV
"It's nice to finally get to see where (y/n)'s father is from." I said, "Daddy?" (y/n) said as he looked around, "Wait I thought Adam was from Menagerie?" Yang said, "He was, but (y/n) biological father was from Vacuo." I said, "What was his dad's name maybe we'll run into him while we're here." Ruby said, "Wait you said your son's stepfather was named Adam? He wouldn't happen to be Adam Taurus would he?!" a woman asked, "Yes he was but..." I began to say, "Then you're guilty just like he is." She said coldly as I turned to face her.
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"I'm gonna revel in killing you for what you did!" She said as she drew her sword.
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"Wait! What are you talking about?! I asked as she slashed at me, "ADAM TAURUS MURDERED MY BABY BROTHER IN COLD BLOOD AND HE DID IT FOR SOMEONE NAMED BLAKE!" She said, "DO YOU EVEN REMEMBER MY BROTHER'S NAME?!" She said, "NO SHOULD I?!" I asked, "HIS NAME WAS JACK!" She said as she kicked me, "Wait Jack...(y/n)'s father is dead?" I said, "DON'T PLAY DUMB!" She shouted, "MAMA!" (y/n) shouted as he ran over to me, "(y/n) sweetheart go back to mama Yang!" I said, "Yep that's my brother's kid alright." the woman said, "My name is Lilith." she said as she sheathed her sword, "I guess that means I'm your aunt." She said, "I still don't like you, but I suppose since you're the mother of my brother's son I will provide you with a place to stay." Lilith said, "Thank you, but we were all going to stay with Sun." I said, "Actually Blake you might wanna take her up on her offer." Blair said as she pointed at Sun who was sulking next to her right leg, "Don't worry Sun you might get over her eventually...but you probably won't and you'll die sad and alone like a sad lonely little puppy." She said, "On second thought I can't stand to watch my sister kick him while he's down." I said.
Lilith POV
"Mother it's me, I'll be bringing five house guests home...and one of them is your grandson so try to play nice. I'll be home soon." I said as I hung up.