"Mama?" I said as I walked down the hall, "Oh (y/n) sweetheart what are you doing up?" Terra asked, "Terra." I said, "Oh sweetheart please call me grandma." She said as she picked me up and sat me on her lap, "What doing?" I asked, "Oh just a bit of business that's all. Nothing you need to worry your sweet head over." She said as she started to draw on the desk, "Oh no!" I said, "What's the matter?" She asked as I tried to erase the drawings off the desk, "I see now." She said with a slight laugh, "It's quite alright sweetheart. You see my desk has a built-in computer and through the use of holograms I can generate a screen in any direction so when I was drawing designs for my new dust powered mech it was only a hologram. But I appreciate the sentiment sweetheart." She said as she kissed my cheek. "Mech?" I said, "Yes sweetie, I've designed many mechs over the years and as of fifteen years ago I finally got the funding and resources to build my very first prototype. Unfortunately, some hooligans destroyed it awhile back." She said as she pulled up one of her designs.
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"What's it made of?" Auntie Blair asked, "A mix of titanium, tungsten, and vanadium." Grandma Terra said, "That's an awful lot of weight to manage." Auntie said, "Not with gravity dust." Grandma said, "Plus it uses energy dust to power it's main generators and weapons systems." She said, "You know you remind me of someone I used to know from when I was a little girl, she was a sly and cunning little fox. Her name was Kuroka." She said, "You knew my mother?" Auntie said, "I knew from the moment I saw you that you had to be her daughter." Grandma said, "MOTHER!" Lilith shouted as she slashed at auntie Blair, but as auntie drew her sword she slashed in the same instant, "Interesting, tell me was that Eishin-Ryu you just implemented?" Grandma asked, "Yeah, my step-father taught me swordplay and he gave me my bushido!" Auntie said as she slashed at Lilith.
Blair POV
I slashed at Lilith before I kicked her into the pond, "I knew I couldn't trust a filthy Faunus like you." Lilith said, "And I thought you'd put up more of a challenge, but that Tyrian guy put up more of a fight." I said as I slashed at her, "You know my father also taught me Jigen-Ryu style and how to counter it." She said as she stabbed at me with a blade made of black flames, "You think you're cute, but my semblance is called foxfire, and I have a few other tricks up my sleeve!" I said as blue flames shot from the sides of my eyes and frost began to form on my blade, "What the?" She said as I threw my blade into the air before I jumped up and kicked it down into the pond instantly freezing the water, "Do you yield, I'd like to avoid senseless killing if at all possible." I said as I floated above her, "YOU CAN GO SHOVE THAT SWORD STRAIGHT UP YOUR..." She began to say, "Lilith compose yourself. You should be grateful that she's sparing you. She's the Winter Maiden and she follows her father's code to the letter, unlike her predecessor Fria who was merciless and slaughtered all who opposed her myself included once or twice." Terra said as she walked out carrying (y/n), "Hungry." (y/n) said, "Alright dear let's get you some breakfast." She said as I retrieved my sword and as I sheathed it the ice melted refilling the pond, "(Y/N)?!" Blake shouted from upstairs, "Welp my baby sister is up." I said as Blake ran down the stairs only to get hit in the nose by my sheath, "WHERE'S MY BABY?!" She asked worriedly, "Relax he's having breakfast with Terra, I'll keep an eye on him. In the meantime go put some underwear on! Honestly Blakey, I get that you and Yang are still in the honeymoon phase and all but that's still no excuse for exposing yourself to poor Weiss." I said as Weiss quietly walked back to her room. "Sorry." Blake said in embarrassment, "Go get dressed!" I said as I pushed her back up the stairs. "So Blake's your baby sister. Is she also one of Kuroka's children?" Terra asked, "No, I'm the only one, but we share the same father." I said, "Kuroka always did like younger men." She said with a slight laugh.