vent 2

24 1 0

I don't know what to do. I'm not sure what I should be feeling right now. So many things are happening, and I just keep putting off thinking about them because there's always something I need to do. I am always doing something but at the same time nothing gets done. I don't know how to go about this. Everything feels meaningless. Eating is so pointless that I don't even have an appetite anymore. I've thought about cutting again to feel better... or just to feel something, but I still feel nothing. Is life supposed to be this meaningless? This awful? I can't... do this anymore. Fuckk. I WANT TO KILL MYSELF. LIVING IS SO FUCKING PIONTLESS. ...i am so worthless for feeling this way. I hate myself. Ive never told anyone this but I hate myself. I never deserved this life. I wish I had never existed... I just want a way to stop the pain. Im sorry. I don't know how to keep going. I don't think there would really be any point. Death seems more appealing with every second. I cant stop thinking about all the different ways... I feel... kinda sick. Im sorry. 

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