Loss in Me

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The loss in me, at first it stood apart.
Carving deep crators, it tore me apart.
I covered it up, cowered beneath,
Wore big t shirts and hoodies that left me unseen.
I wore the clothes that swallowed me up,

Like depression swallowed me up.

This loss in me, it's not far from me now.
It's sunken into me, seeping throughout.
Hiding in my eyes, lurking within,
It's taken my soul by force,
Heaviness clings to my skin.

Like scars cling to my skin.

This loss that found me,
I can't explain it away,
There's no words for the feelings
No reason it should stay
But here it sits, the unmovable weight,

I'll never get rid of it,
So, what are the stakes?

Fly high and fall?
Come down with a knife?
Thirty pills before morning.
Or a rope to end my life.

And what of the pain?
For those who'll miss me?
Can I handle the weight,
And hope you'll forget me?

At the end of ends,
I know I won't care,
After all, it's my life,
And you were never there.

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