Thorns and Roses

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You wanted me for my fragrance.
But you asked for so much more.
And I gave.
You took advantage of that.
I changed my nature for you, snipping my thorns so you wouldn't be hurt.
Changing who I was because that's what you wanted.
I thought that would make you happy.
And maybe for a moment it did.
But it never lasts.
Now you complain about my petals.
I shed those petals for you.
But you're sorry they're gone.
I bleed for you.
And you abandoned me a world with no thorns to protect me.
No petals to dress me.
No life left to give.
You stripped me of my leaves.
Plucked me from my stem.
You made me depend on you.
Losing my identity, I lost my will for you.
I feel quiet for you.
Subservient to you.
You trapped me in a glass and I drown.
Filled with water and trapped from the sun.
I was smothered by your presence,
You wanted me perfect, I didn't see from the start,
It would never be enough.

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