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My mind is racing
So very quickly
I can't find the ground
The dark thoughts are winning

I'm so overwhelmed
Something's gone amiss.
Anxiety bubbling up
Please, God!, let me shake this.

My arms are burning
My thoughts, my thighs
Shake it off dammit
But the urge to is too high

Restless, thoughts pacing
Why cant I think straight?
God! I hate myself
Where am I headed at this rate?

Go to the bathroom
I'm sorry my love
But I try and I try 
And it's never enough!

Eight little lines
Soothing my soul
Marking my thigh
Carving me whole

Soft sighs, I feel better
Just for a second
Then guilt consumes me
Agony beckons.

Why does this pain,
Tear me apart?
Why can't I have been strong?
For my love, my heart?

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