Who to Be?

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Empty is the chasm of forgotten faces pity left behind.
Echoing in the open spaces is the hollowness in my eyes.
A million screaming voices, reaching hands, and clawing fingers.
A mindless nothing, reassurance, quietly murmured phrases.

Danger lurking in my head; greeting loneliness my only friend.
Anxiety never-ending, I can't stand this facade, I always pretend.
Spider webs in place scattered across the frozen smiles.
Wake up with eyes puffy and damp, my pillow case defiled.

A million empty stomaches staunching rumbles in the nighttime.
Hoodies, not only for hiding but because I'm so cold all of the time.
You know? I don't think I'll be getting any better at this rate.
Because I was but now I feel I'm frozen in this half way state.

Half way better, half way broken, half way stuck in the in between.
And I'm just as stuck right here as I was when I still wasn't clean.

What do I do in the stuck unstuck?
What do I do when I'm stuck outta luck?
What should I do when you're so far from me?
What do I do when I'm not sure who to be?

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