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I learned to hate myself at an early age
I think it was because I realized quickly that it was easier to hate myself than expect people to understand why I held so much rage
It was easier to blame myself for the feelings I held than it was to expect the people around me to be accountable for the pain they caused
I didn't want to blame them, I don't want to hurt them
But they deserve so much of the pain they've given to me
Grow up
People say they're worried about growing up
That they wish it hadn't happened so quickly
They aren't ready
I will never understand that
Some of us aren't worried about the uncertainty
Some of us were grown up all along
And the transition from school to work is as easy as breathing
Some of us learned to do laundry at six
Learned to pay at the grocery store at twelve
Learned how to deal with confrontation at nine
Some of us were made to be ready by the environment we were around
I'm not scared
Life isn't going to change
I didn't grow up too fast
I was just never given the opportunity to be a child

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