What's Missing?

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I have two hours to get my work done, but the world just went silent,
And maybe for you that'd be pretty great, but I can't fight off this assailant.
All these muffled noises, light buzzing voices, my ears so slightly ring,
And it's freaking me out, I'm suffocating, in this silent, deadly thing.
The muffled noises are making me stress, I wish that it wasn't this way,
I'm looking around at everyone's mouths moving but I can't hear what they say.
I can feel that my chest is falling heavily but I don't seem to make a sound,
No one is staring, has noticed a thing as I'm frantically looking around.
I should take advantage of this, this time that I have, to do what I need to get done,
I look at the clock, only thirty minutes left, and I haven't even begun!
I look back down quickly, get out my stuff, self-loathing filling my chest,
But the bell has rung, the damage is done, my time slot has come and left.

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