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To end it you must be numb.
Unaware of the ivy feelings grew, climbing the walls of your heart.
Closed to any feeling at all.

You must become the wall.
Incapable of producing feeling.
Incapable of anything else.

Or become the ivy,
Clinging desperately to life.
Losing the feelings that weighted on you so heavily.
The grasping hands that reach to hold you back.

Tie you to the world.
Lock you away.
You are ivy.
You are poison.

Corrupting every feeling you have until you've perverted the very people around you.
Turning your head until you don't know right from wrong, up from down.
You'll never find the way out.

But you don't want it.
Instead you struggle to sink as far as you can,
Undeserving of the life air would grant you.
Bubbles of hope escaping from their chambers in your chest.
Flying past to escape the sticky tar of pain.

It will never be enough.

Everything was in vain.
Every battle.
Every smothered sob playing along to the reality you've produced.
But you don't want the truth.
No you'd rather be blind, instead embracing all the pain you've caused.
You know what?

You're right.
It's all your fault.

Not me. (2023)Where stories live. Discover now