I saw the clouds move, dipping me in shadow.
And yet the sun still shone brightly in the heavens.
Valiantly it shone, burning away shadow.
But nothing could burn away the darkness seeping through me.
And because no one could see it, it didn't exist.
Not me. (2023)
Short Storyso, I've been struggling for a long time now, and I never told anyone about it. I've never opened up. but I met someone who understands how I feel, and I'm beginning to feel again. I don't know how to do it, but I finally feel I can fight. I've been...
Sun and Shadow
I saw the clouds move, dipping me in shadow.
And yet the sun still shone brightly in the heavens.
Valiantly it shone, burning away shadow.
But nothing could burn away the darkness seeping through me.
And because no one could see it, it didn't exist.