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My parents don't know anything about me.
My family is rotting from the inside.
Circling the imploding star that is my mother.
A black whole, she sucks us in,
I can't escape the field her gravity creates
There's no where she doesn't touch me
Sinking her corrupted roots deep under my skin
Carving holes in my head
To bring buried secrets to light
To uncover hidden meaning
And translate it across languages
Until no resemblance of what was before stands now

She takes the meaning she designed
And paints a new picture
Of me as the villain
Thrashing wildly away from her
I land one blow
And the world she commands turns against me.

I can't escape.
I'm the victim to years of her abuse
She beholds herself the sun, the seeker of truth,
So blinded by her light she can't see a thing around her.
She paints me the villain in the blood that seeps from so many wounds
She doesn't realize she caused
And I'm stuck swimming away,
Drowning in the tears that she's brought to me.
She comes to me with the problems she's created expecting pity from her most abused

And I give it.
I can't help but love the monster I've been told I created
It's my fault isn't it?
I paint myself the villain playing to her twisted song
I let her pull my strings
And I come to her when I've done wrong
Only to find I was alone without her company all along.

Is this not two ways?
Am I not a child?
Where were you to help me??
Why weren't you behind me?
That's what you always demand
but where were you
When I was the one
that needed a hand?

Not me. (2023)Where stories live. Discover now